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Passage D
Ways for Students to Pay for Their Education

   As summer arrives, bringing sunny days, warm nights, and a marked lack of schoolwork, many graduating high school seniors are already looking toward the start of their college career. For most, it is a time of excitement, but their feelings are often hampered by the realization that they must find a way to pay for their education. The prospect of borrowing $25,000 a year for at least 4 years is rather daunting, considering the fact that if the student has a job at all, he or she is probably making close to minimum wage. In reality, for many college graduates, student loans are the thing that most hampers them from having early success in their chosen profession. To cut down on the costs, students have several avenues from which to obtain money. The first and most obvious one is financial aid.   夏天来了,带来了充足的阳光,温暖的夜晚。还有一个显著的变化,学校不上课了。许多即将毕业的高三学生都盼望着开始大学生活。对大多数人来说,这是一段快乐的时光。但一想到得找个办法付学费,情绪又不免有些受影响。如果考虑到即使找份工作,收入也很可能跟最低工资差不多,那么每年借25,000美元,而且至少借四年,这真有点让人害怕。实际上,对很多大学毕业生来说,学生贷款是他们最大的障碍,使他们难以在选定的职业生涯中尽早出头。为了少付学费,学生还是有几种办法的。经济资助便是首选。

   The best kind of financial aid available from the government is in the form of grants, which do not need to be repaid. This is typically offered to those students who are largely unable to finance their college education. More common is the student loan, which is tailored to the needs of the student. The student loan, like any other loan, must be paid back with interest sometime in the future.   由政府提供的最好的经济资助是助学金,日后也不需要偿还。这主要是提供给那些基本上负担不起大学学费的学生的。更常见的是大学生贷款,视学生的需要提供。跟别的贷款一样,学生贷款必须在将来某个时候按一定的利息偿还。

   The third financial aid option, and the one that provides the least amount of money, is the work-study program. The Federal government established the work-study program to allow students to feel a part of paying their way through college. At many schools, students obtain campus jobs, and the income they make from those jobs is channeled directly toward their college costs. Campus jobs pay fairly well, because the campus minimum wage is several dollars per hour above the state minimum wage.   第三种也是提供的钱最少的一种,就是勤工俭学。联邦政府建立勤工俭学制度是为了让学生感到自己也需要赚一部分学费。许多学校的学生做校工,赚的钱直接交学费。校工的工资相当不错,因为学校的最低小时工资比起州的最低小时工资还要多几美元。

   Around most college campuses, there is also a large variety of businesses that look to hire college students. This is logical, as the businesses often locate near the available workers. A recent study indicates that eight out of ten students work while pursuing an undergraduate degree in college, and students are more likely to use funds earned during the academic year to finance their education than they are any other sources, like financial aid or parental support, although the others may be higher in dollar amount. Students who hold jobs while attending school on average work about 25 hours per week, which is quite a long time when classes and extracurricular activities are considered.  大多数校园里,雇用学生工作的商家越来越多。这也符合逻辑,因为这些商家所在的位置令他们用人方便。最近的一项研究表明,八成学生在读本科的时候有工作。尽管钱少一些,学生们还是愿意用一学年下来自己赚的钱来交学费,而不愿利用其他方式,如经济资助或是父母给钱。有工作的学生,上课的同时一周平均工作25个小时,如果考虑到还有各种课程和课外活动,这个时间可不算短。

   While academic, athletic, and other scholarships are perhaps the most satisfying ways of financing a college education, the reality is that most students must look to other sources of revenue. Grants, loans, and even work-study are usually reserved for those who most desperately need them, so for many students whose parents' income is too high to qualify for aid based on need, but too low to pay for all of the students' costs, employment is the best choice. Certainly, if financial aid is available to you, and you feel it's in your best interest to accept it, do so, but if for some reason the financial aid you receive is not sufficient to pay the tuition bill, remember that you won't be alone if you get a job.   尽管学习、体育以及其他类别的奖学金是最理想的资助学费的渠道,但实际情况是,大多数学生还是得想别的办法。助学金、贷款、勤工俭学通常是留给那些特别需要经济资助的学生,所以对于那些父母收入高于资助标准,但又不足以负担全部学费的学生来说,找份工作无疑是最好的选择。当然,如果你能申请到经济资助,而且接受它又十分有利,那就别犹豫。但是如果出于某种原因,你得到的经济资助还不足以付学费,请记住,要找份工作的学生可不只你一个。

(535 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007