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Passage C
Volunteers for Beijing's Olympics

 With Beijing's success in becoming the host city for the Olympics, many volunteers are making preparations to do their bit to help the city concentrate on some weightier, more pressing matters and make the 2008 Olympics one of the best ever.  随着北京申办奥运的成功,许多志愿者正在为奥运会尽自己的一份力量,来协助北京集中精力做好更加重要更加紧迫的事情,将2008年的奥运会办成世界上最好的一届奥运会。

 Some volunteers, such as retired former foreign language teachers, and professionals who picked up languages while working overseas, have arranged to volunteer as translators. They can speak and write in English, Japanese, French, Hebrew, Mongolian, German, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian, Korean, Persian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Indian, Thai and other languages.  有些志愿者,如退休的外语老师以及在海外工作期间学了各门外语的专业人员已准备申请担任志愿翻译。他们具备一系列外语的听说读写技能,如英语、日语、法语、希伯莱语、蒙语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、匈牙利语、韩语、波斯语、印尼语、马来语、印度语、泰国语和其他语言。

 Old people, young people ... age did not matter. The bottom line for all volunteers was competence and a willingness to give their time.  有老年人,年轻人。年龄大小无关紧要,对所有的志愿者的基本要求就是具有外语交际能力和愿意为此付出他们的宝贵时间。

 A speaker of three foreign languages, Liu Xiaoshu, 82, has spent his 20 years in retirement developing Chinese-English computer translation software, hoping that one day he can make good use of it. Now he can, and no one could be more excited at the prospect. He wasted no time in calling the committee and volunteering his skills and software.  刘晓书,现年82岁,能说三门外语,在退休以后花了20年的时间来开发一种汉英电脑翻译软件,希望有朝一日他的软件能派上用场。现在机会来了,他对前景兴最为奋不已。他迫不及待地向组委会打电话,希望他的语言技能和翻译软件都能派上用场。

 He said, "I'm still in good health, and I'm sure my skills will be of use to the Olympics". He further commented: "Beijing is becoming much more international now, so hosting an Olympic Games will definitely be of more help to the city. I don't know precisely what kind of job the committee will give me, but I will be happy to take on whatever needs to be done."  他说:"我身体还硬朗,我还能用我的一技之长为奥运会尽一份绵薄之力。"他还说:"北京现在变得更加国际化了,举办奥运盛事肯定会进一步推动北京的发展。我不清楚组委会将给我安排什么样的工作,但凡是需要我做的工作,我都乐意承担。"

 Aged just 12, Chen Yiyuan is so far the youngest Chinese to volunteer as an English translator. A high-performing grade-six student at a primary school, he speaks fluent English with an American accent - as a result of regular visits to three English corner conversational clubs in Beijing.  陈一元,现年仅12岁,是迄今年龄最小的志愿担任英语翻译的中国孩子。这位小学六年级的优秀学生,因坚持参加北京市三个英语角口语俱乐部的活动,能说一口带美国口音的流利英语 。

 "I feel very uncomfortable if I miss even a single visit to the English corner," he said. "I love English very much. I will probably be at university in 2008, the right time to do something for that year's Olympics".  "如果我缺席一次英语角的活动,我会全身感觉不舒服,"他说,"我非常喜欢英语,到2008年时,我正好上大学,刚好是为那年的奥运会做贡献的时候。"

 Jiang Ming, a seven-year-old student at a Primary School in Beijing who used to hate learning English, gave his parents a pleasant surprise last week when he grabbed his Olympic English handbook and accompanying cassette tape from his bookshelf and sat down for an evening of hard work. His change of mind was apparently influenced by several boys and girls who recently appeared on Chinese TV saying they wanted to be good English speakers so they could serve as volunteers for the Games.  蒋明,一位七岁北京的小学生,过去不喜欢英语,上周着实让他父母惊喜不已。他从书架上掏出一本奥运英语手册及其配音磁带,坐在书桌前认真学了一晚上。他对英语学习态度的改变明显地受到了最近几位在电视上露面的孩子们的影响,他们说他们想学说一口漂亮的英语,将来可以志愿为奥运服务。

 Certain taxi companies have also started evening classes, inviting English teachers to instruct their drivers in basic English. One taxi driver said, "Learning English is very important, no matter how busy I am, I always attend the evening English classes, and I want to be able to talk to foreign passengers myself when the Olympic Games is held in Beijing." His aim is to learn to speak the 900 most frequently used English sentences.  某些出租车公司也开办了英语夜校,聘请英语老师为驾驶员们教授基础英语。一位出租车司机说:"学好英语非常重要,不管我有多忙,我总是按时在晚上听英语课,这样当奥运会在北京举行时,我就能够用英语和乘客交流了。"他的目标是能够学会900个英语常用句子。

 An old woman from Beijing's neighborhood committee said, "I often meet foreigners asking for directions, and no matter how I and the other neighbors try to help them, through gestures, they just don't understand. Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games, so we should let foreigners see how great the Chinese are, and that even a common grandma like me can speak English. I believe Beijing's Olympic Games will be one of the best."  北京某居民委员会的一位老太太说:"我经常遇到老外问路,不管我和邻居们怎样想方设法帮助他们,甚至打手势比比划划,他们就是不明白。北京将举办2008年奥运会,我们应该让老外看到中国人的伟大,象我这样一位普通老太太都能讲英语。我相信北京的奥运会将会是最好的一届。"

 For anyone who is involved, the Olympic experience is almost like being one of the athletes themselves. It's not the winning that is important but it's the taking part. Knowing that you are a part of something special, an event that will go down in history, you can look back on it and be able to say, "I was there, I was involved."  对任何一个参与的人来说,奥运会的体验就好象他们自己就是参加比赛的运动员。输赢无关紧要,重要的是参与。认识到你是一项特殊盛会中的一分子,而且这项盛会将会载入历史史册,当你回首过去时你就可以自豪地说,"我在那里,我参加了。"

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©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007