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Passage D
Volunteers Help Make Olympics a Success

 Each day, more than 40,000 people devote up to 15 hours of labor to ensure that the Atlanta Olympic Games are a success. They are as diverse as any group of people can be, yet they all share the desire to be a part of something larger than themselves.  为了确保亚特兰大奥林匹克运动会的成功举行,四万多名工作人员平均每天付出了不少于15个小时的辛勤劳动。他们虽然来自各行各业,却都拥有一个共同的心愿,都愿意为参与一件比自身价值更大的事业。

 These people are volunteers. Dawn Jones is one of them. She is an information specialist at the technology desk of the Main Press Center in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. This press center serves the needs of more than 15, 000 U.S. and international journalists who are in Atlanta to cover the Games. Jones' job is to help journalists solve problems with computers, fax machines and telephones. Jones works six days a week between her job as a nurse and volunteering. She volunteers at the Main Press Center twice a week, usually working from midnight to 8 a.m. In addition to providing technical assistance to journalists, thousands of volunteers support the Olympics by driving motorcycles and other vehicles, ushering patrons at Olympic events, providing security at the Games' venues, providing film transportation and delivery, serving as language interpreters and working in food services, technology services and administration.  这些人就是志愿者。道·琼斯就是其中的一员。她在佐治亚州亚特兰大市新闻中心总部技术服务窗口担任接待咨询工作。这个总部为来自美国及世界各地的15000多名报道奥运新闻的记者提供各项服务。琼斯的工作是帮助记者解决电脑、传真和电话方面所遇到的难题。她每周工作六天,兼顾护士工作和志愿者工作。她志愿在新闻中心总部每周工作两次,时间通常是从深夜到第二天早上8点。除了为新闻记者提供技术服务的志愿者外,还有成千上万的志愿者为奥运会驾驶摩托车和其他各种车辆,为赞助商观看比赛带路,为比赛场所提供保安保卫,运送和递交录像影片,担任语言翻译,以及在餐饮、技术和管理部门提供服务等。

 Volunteers are assigned to jobs by the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games. As in Jones' job, often the positions are not what the volunteers requested and, in some cases, they may be in an area in which the volunteers have little experience. "Since I am a registered nurse in hospitals in Atlanta, I would have loved to be a part of the medical venue for athletes, but I knew I was needed here and you want to work where you are needed," Jones said.  志愿者的工作是由亚特兰大奥委会负责安排的。就象琼斯一样,他们所做的工作经常不是他们所要求的,并且在某些情况下,志愿者们会在和他们十分生疏的领域里工作。琼斯说:"我是亚特兰大医疗机构的注册护士,最理想的工作当然是加入为运动员服务的赛场医疗队。但是我知道这里需要我,并且人人都愿意在需要自己的地方工作。"

 Kissi Sullivan, 18, a volunteer at the Georgia World Congress Center, works as a venue management volunteer. Her job entails showing patrons where to find specific venues within the Congress Center, directing people to first aid areas and the bathrooms and keeping the crowds orderly in the center.  基思·萨里文,现年18岁,佐治亚州世界会议中心的一名志愿者,担任场馆的管理工作。她的工作职责是在会议中心内带领客人去特定的场馆,引导人们到急救地点及卫生间,协助维持中心内的秩序。

 "The supervisors don't let the volunteers forget how much they all appreciate our help," Sullivan said.  萨里文说:"所有的负责人都让我们清楚地知道,他们非常感谢我们的工作。"

 Actually, some of the supervisors are also volunteers. Greg Fiume, photography manager of the fencing venue, is responsible for the photographers and the transporting of film within his venue. Also he oversees photography needs for all the venues within the Georgia World Congress Center.  实际上,其中有些负责人也是志愿者。格雷克·弗姆,击剑场地的摄像负责人,负责管理场馆内的摄影员以及胶卷的运送,同时他也负责管理中心内所有场馆的摄像事务。

 Fiume involves himself daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the fencing venue. After the fencing competition ends July 30, he will manage the photography needs of two marathons, two race walks and troubleshoot for ACOG Photo Operations when he is needed.  弗姆在击剑场地的工作时间是早上6点到晚上10点。在击剑比赛于7月30号结束以后,他将负责两场马拉松比赛和两场竞走比赛的摄影事务,并且在需要时为亚特兰大奥委会的相片冲印解决疑难问题。

 Dawn Jones summed up the spirit of volunteering: "You can say you were a part of the Olympic experience no matter how small your part was, and I can say I did my little part."  道·琼斯这样总结了志愿服务的精神实质:"不管你起的作用是多么的微乎其微,你可以说你是奥运会活动的一部分,而我也可以说我尽到了我的绵薄之力。"

(465 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007