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Course 1 > Unit 7 > Passage A > Exercise
Exercises > Language focus: Read and complete
 Read and complete> Exercise 6

6. Select a proper word from each pair given below to fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Change the form if necessary.

1.base, basis
   He has made an agreement with his business associate to share the profit on a 50-50 .

2.consist , constitute
   China’s ethnic minorities less than 7 percent of its total population.

3.evolve, involve
   A researcher has shown that viruses can be forced to in ways to benefit humans.

4. mode, mood
   He won the lottery and became wealthy overnight, which changed his whole of life.

5.transform, transfer
   The developers, working on electronic replacements for ink and paper, hope the new "lectronic ink"will books and newspapers.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007