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Exercises > Language focus: Read and simulate
 Read and simulate > exercise8

8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

 Choice Sentences  Simulated Reproduction  Translation
 1. Ideally, undergraduate research is an opportunity for the kind of intensive study that can expand the mind in ways traditional courses can’t.   The seminar is an opportunity for the kind of study that can expand our minds in ways traditional courses can't.    公司新的分配体系能鼓励员工参加这种开拓智能的培训,这是以前的政策无法做到的。
  2.To really understand a discipline you have to get the feeling that knowledge isn't just out there and you passively have to absorb it, but rather that it's constantly being created'   To get a good job you have to get the feeling that the job isn't just out there waiting for you, but rather that you have to find it.    要提高成绩,你必须认识到,好成绩不是现成摆在那儿等着你去被动地接受,而是需要你不懈地努力去获取。
  3.Some do it for academic credit, some for money, some just for experience.   Some walk for health, some for sports, some just for relaxation.    每天有成千上万的人上网。有些是为了获取信息, 有些是为了交流,有些纯粹是为了放松消遣。
  4.Instead of looking for the knowledge we do have, he says, research forces students to look for knowledge we don't have.   Instead of repeating every word she did say, the teacher forced the little boy to retell the story with more words he has learnt.    老师不是要学生用他所示范的方法解题,而是鼓励甚至强迫他们寻找课堂上他没有用过的其他方法。
 5. When students see a discipline as evolving rather than fixed, they usually get a lot more excited about learning because they see that it's an ongoing process.   When you see their remarks as an encouragement rather than a blame, you'll get a lot more excited about what they have said.    如果你把这次任务看作是一项挑战,而不是一种负担,你就会为即将面对的一切感到更为激动。

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