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Course 1>Unit 8>Passage B>Exercise
Exercises> Language focus : Read and complete
 Read and think> Exercise 13

13. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 favorite  occupy  insert  endure  identical
 astonishment  proceed  provoke  enclose  blankly
  1. This is the hotel room we stayed in last year.  

  2. I like all her books, but this one is my .  

  3. Please don't any payment with your application for the Job this time.  

  4. The students tried to the teacher into losing her temper . 

  5. They tremendous hardship on their journey to the South Pole. 

  6. He carefully the key in the lock and opened the door. 

  7. The students stared at the test questions and wondered what to do.  

  8. After the applause died down, the pianist to play. 

  9. He stared in at the divorce papers from his wife’s attorney. 

  10. The game will keep the children for most of the evening. 

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007