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Passage B
Related Information

Flowers in American Culture

  The giving of flowers on special occasions is very important in American culture. These flowers are usually given by the male to the female, especially to sweethearts, wives, or mothers. The times during the year when it is most appropriate to give flowers are wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Mother's Day, and especially Valentine's Day.


Valentine's Day

  A holiday occurring on February 14th when flowers, gifts, chocolates, cards, and other symbols of love are often exchanged by affectionate persons.


Standing Order

  Instructions given to a merchant or other person to deliver a product or provide a service at regular intervals or whenever it is needed. For example, some standing orders are carried out weekly, monthly, or annually. Others, such as an order to shovel snow from a sidewalk or driveway, are only carried whenever they are needed. There are three main kinds of standing orders: a purchase order; a delivery order; and a service order.


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