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Words and Expressions

  appropriately   adv.
correct or suitable for a particular situation or occasion 恰当地,合适地
  astonishment   n. great surprise or wonder惊异,惊讶
  blankly   adv. without writing, print, or other marks无字迹的,空白的;empty or expressionless; without understanding or interest 空虚的,无 表情的,茫然的,发呆的
bless   v. to ask God’s favor or protection for 祈求上帝祝福
  bow   n. a knot formed by doubling a string or cord into two curved pieces, and used for decoration in the hair, in tying shoes, etc. 蝴蝶结
  depart   v. to leave; go away, esp. when starting a journey离开,动身,起程,出发
  enclose   v. to surround with a fence or wall so as to shut in把…围起来;  to put inside an envelope, esp. in addition to something else 把…装入信封,附上
  endure   v. to bear (pain, suffering, etc.) patiently or for a long time忍受,忍耐(痛苦,苦难等) ;容忍
  fate   n. the power or force which is supposed to be the cause of and in control of all events, in a way which is beyond human control天命,命运,运数
  favorite   n. something or someone that is loved above all others最受喜爱地东西或人,宠儿
  file   n. a box, folder, etc. for storing paper in an ordered way, esp. in an office文件夹 a collection of papers concerning one subject, stored in this way 汇集的文件;案卷,卷宗,档案
florist   n. a person who owns or works in a shop (florist’s) which sells flowers花商,花店售货员
  haltingly   adv. stopping and starting as if uncertain迟疑不决地,踌躇地
  ideal   adj. perfect in every way 理想的,完美的
  identical   adj. exactly alike完全相同的,一模一样的, the same同一的
  insert   v. to put or place something in (something else)插入,放进
  intense   adj. strong or great, esp. in quality or feeling; extreme 强烈的; 极度的
loneliness   n. a feeling of being alone or without friends孤寂的,寂寞的
  occupy   v. to move into and hold possession of (a place), e. g. by military force占领,占据  to cause to spend time (doing something); keep busy使从事,使忙于
  proceed   v. to begin or continue in a course of action or set of actions开始进入, 着手,继续进行
  promptly   adv. punctually; without delay准时地;及时地
  provoke   v. to make angry or bad-tempered, esp. by continually annoying them 激怒;煽动;对…挑衅 to be the sudden cause of (a usu. unpleasant feeling or action激起, 引起
solitude   n. the state of being alone away from companionship孤独,孤单,独居
   standing   adj. continuing to be effective or valid 长期有效的
  stem   n. the central part of a plant above the ground, from which branches grow (植物的)茎,(树木的)干
  trim   v. to make neat, even, or tidy by cutting or removing unwanted parts 整修;修剪
  unexpectedly   adv. while not thinking or believing (that something will happen)没有料到的,意料之外的
  vase   n. a decorative container,usu.shaped like a deep pot with a rather narrow opening at the top and usu. made of glass or baked clay, used for decoration or to put flowers in (装饰用的) 瓶,花瓶

Phrases and Expressions

cheer sb up cause to become happier, more cheerful (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来
go by to pass (in place or time) (时光)逝去,经过(某处)
in advance ahead in time; beforehand预先,提前
in case so as to be safe if (something happens) 以防万一
once again now again, as in the past (像从前那样)再来一次
pass away  to die去世
work out to find by reasoning or calculating做出,算出
to have a result; develop, esp. favorably 产生结果;发展为,结果是

Proper Names

Rose 罗斯(女子名)

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