Introduction&New Words
--Introduction to the Text
--Main Idea
--Vocabulary Study
Understanding of the Text
Analysis of the Text
Follow-up Exercises
Listening Practice
Reading Activity&Writing











Introduction & New Words

英文朗读 ( Now, we'll come to the new words for the text. In this part of the lesson you should pay attention to the following points:
 1) the correct pronunciation of each word,
 2) its part of speech and explanation both in English and Chinese,
 3) some examples for the usage of the word,
 4) its derivational forms (i.e. other parts of speech of the word)
 5) its related phrases.
Click the button, and you will hear the reading of the word by the teacher.
You should read after the teacher so that you can learn how to pronounce the word. After the reading of the word, the teacher will give you one or two examples to show how this word should be used in actual sentences. You are advised to repeat the sentences and observe its usage and meaning. If you need to listen and read more than once, you may click the button again and start over.
  Now let's begin our Vocabulary Study. )
Vocabulary Study
average /5AvErIdV/ a. Ordinary 普通的;中等的 听发音 查看详细解释
intelligence /In5telIdVEns/ n. ability to learn and understand 智力 听发音 查看详细解释
necessarily /5nesEsErIlI/ ad. inevitably 必定 听发音 查看详细解释
case /keIs/ n. what has really happened; actual condition 实情 听发音 查看详细解释
additional /E5dIFEn(E)l/ a. added 附加的,额外的 听发音 查看详细解释
   addition /E5dIF(E)n/ n. 附加;追加 听发音 查看详细解释
weekly /5wi:klI/ a. done or happening every week 每周的;一周一次的 听发音 查看详细解释
schedule /[5Fedju:l; (?@) 5skedVJl/ n. timetable 时间表 听发音 查看详细解释
chart /tFB:t/ n. (sheet of paper with) information; written or drawn in the form of a picture 图(表) 听发音 查看详细解释
commit /kE5mIt/ vt promise (one’s property, oneself, etc.) to a certain cause 指定……用于 听发音 查看详细解释
aside /E5saId/ ad. to the side 在旁边;到(向)一边 听发音 查看详细解释
etc. /it5setr/ (Latin, shortened form for et cetera) and other things 等等 听发音 查看详细解释
normal /5nC:m(E)l/ a. usual 正常的 听发音 查看详细解释
reading /`redIN/ n. the act or practice of reading 阅读 听发音 查看详细解释
assignment /E5saInmEnt/ n. sth. Given out as a task (布置的) 作业 听发音 查看详细解释
occupy /5RkjJpaI/ vt. take up 占用 听发音 查看详细解释
relaxation /ri:lAk5seIF(E)n/ n. (sth. Done for) rest and amusement 休息;娱乐 听发音 查看详细解释
  relax /rI5lAks/ v. 放松;使松弛 听发音 查看详细解释
hobby /5hRbI/ n. what one likes to do in one’s free time 业余爱好 听发音 查看详细解释
entertainment /entE5teInmEnt/ n. show, party, etc. that people enjoy 娱乐 听发音 查看详细解释
  entertain /entE5teIn/ vt. 提供消遣;使高兴 听发音 查看详细解释
solve /sRlv/ vt. find an answer to (a problem) 解决(问题) 听发音 查看详细解释
aware /E`weE(r)/ a. having knowledge or understanding 知道的;意识到的 听发音 查看详细解释
furthermore /f\:TE5mC:(r)/ ad. moreover; in addition 而且;此外 听发音 查看详细解释
enable /I5neIb(E)l/ vt. make (sb.) able (to do sth.) 使(某人)能(做某事) 听发音 查看详细解释
activity /Ak5tIvItI/ n. sth. (to be) done 活动 听发音 查看详细解释
adequate /5AdIkwEt/ a. as much as one needs; enough 充分的;足够的 听发音 查看详细解释
distraction /dI5strAkF(E)n/ n. sth. That draws away the mind or attention 分心(或分散注意力)的事物 听发音 查看详细解释
concentrate /5kRnsEntreIt/ vt. pay close attention (to) 全神贯注(于) 听发音 查看详细解释
skim /skim/ vt. read quickly to get the main ideas (of) 略读 听发音 查看详细解释
preview /5pri:vju:/ vt. have a general view of (sth.) beforehand 预习 听发音 查看详细解释
content /5kRntent/ n. what is written in a book, etc. 内容 听发音 查看详细解释
organize /`R:^EnaIz/ vt. form into a whole 组织 听发音 查看详细解释
later /5leItE(r)/ ad. afterwards; at a future time 后来;以后 听发音 查看详细解释
skip /skIp/ vt. pass over 略过 听发音 查看详细解释
portion /5pC:F(E)n/ n. part; share 一部分;一份 听发音 查看详细解释
double /5dQb(E)l/ v. make or become twice as great or as many (使)增加一倍 听发音 查看详细解释
comprehension /kRmprI5henFEn/ n. the act of understanding or ability to understand 理解(力) 听发音 查看详细解释
mention /5menF(E)n/ vt. speak or write about (sth.) in a few words 提及 听发音 查看详细解释
confused /kEn`fjU:zd/ a. mixed up in one’s mind 迷惑的,混淆的 听发音 查看详细解释
  confuse /kEn5fju:z/ v. 混淆; 弄混 听发音 查看详细解释
textbook /5tekstbJk/ n. a standard book for the study of a subject 教科书;课本 听发音 查看详细解释
performance /pE5fC:mEns/ n. achievement 成绩 听发音 查看详细解释
meaningful /5mi:niNfl/ a. having important meaning or value 富有意义的 听发音 查看详细解释
attitude /5AtItju:d; (?@) 5AtItud/ n. what one thinks about sth. 态度,看法 听发音 查看详细解释
purpose /5p\:pEs/ n. aim 目的,意图 听发音 查看详细解释
excessively /Ik5sesIvlI/ ad. too much 过多地,过分地 听发音 查看详细解释
  excessive /Ik5sesIv/ a.   听发音 查看详细解释
permanent /5p\:mEnEnt/ ad. lasting for a long time; never changing 持久的;永久的 听发音 查看详细解释
technique /tek5ni:k/ n. way of doing sth. 技巧,方法 听发音 查看详细解释
helpful /5helpfl/ a. useful; providing help or willing to help 有益的;给予帮助的,肯帮忙的 听发音 查看详细解释
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