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Passage C
College and Reality
In 34 years of college teaching I've taught and advised many freshmen, probably several thousand of them. Often the prospective newcomers visit the campus with their families before classes begin. Our college insists that the faculty be available during these visits, to help the students choose a major.  我在34年的大学教学生涯中教过很多新生,可能有好几千人。开学之前,待入学的新生通常会和他们的家人一起前来参观校园。我们大学强调,在新生来访期间,全体教员应到场,以便帮助这些学生选择专业。

The parents always ask most of the questions. They want to be sure that their kids are safe away from home and that they will have a job after four years. This is a perfectly normal parental concern.  家长们提问最多。他们想问清楚孩子离家住校是否安全,四年后能否找到一份工作,家长的关心是人之常情。

 If the students don't ask many questions, I ask them a question: "What is the most important thing you'll learn in college?" Regardless of what they say, I usually suggest a different answer: "You'll learn to get out of bed in the morning without relying on your mother to wake you up and make your breakfast."  如果学生没有提什么问题,我就会反问他们一个问题:“在大学里,最重要的是要学会什么?”不管他们做出什么样的回答,我常常会给他们一个不同的答案:“你得学会早起,不能再依赖母亲叫你起床,为你准备早餐。”

 This answer always draws a laugh from the parents. Then I tell the student that college is just like a job, except you don't get paid. In fact, you pay for the privilege. You're paying for the breakfast and the classes, or your parents are, so you should try to get your money's worth. You can't go to class if you're in bed, and your roommates won't care if you turn off the alarm clock and go back to sleep.  这种回答总会引起父母发笑,然后,我告诉同学们,上大学就像上班,只是没有薪水。事实上,在校学习是要付费的。你或你的父母要付伙食费和学费,因此,你应使付出的钱有所值。如果躺在床上,你就不可能去听课。如果你关掉闹钟继续睡觉,你的室友也不会在意。

 Regular attendance and regular study are the two most prevalent factors in college success, just as punctuality and diligence are crucial to most future careers. When employers call me to ask about a former student, the first question they usually ask is whether the student was punctual and reliable. Only later, if at all, do they ask about the student's grades or extracurricular activities.  正如守时和勤奋在未来的工作中是至关重要的, 不缺课和勤学习是大学学业成功的两个最主要因素。当用人单位打电话给我,询问某个毕业生的情况时,他们所问的第一个问题通常是这个学生上课是否守时以及是否诚实可靠。然后,还要问什么的话,才会问及这个学生的成绩或课外活动情况。

 Woody Allen once said that the most important thing in life is to show up. Humor aside, this is certainly true of college. But classes are not the only places where the student should show up. Friendships and extracurricular activities are also important, and it's a financial reality that many students need to have part-time jobs. The key is to balance all these elements in your life, and never lose sight of your academic goals. They should always come first.  伍迪·艾伦曾说,生活中最重要的事情是露面。话里透着幽默,但这的确是大学生活的真谛。课堂并不是学生露面的惟一场所。交朋友和课余活动也是十分重要的,而且许多学生需要从事兼职工作,这也是一个实际的经济需要。 关键是要合理安排你的生活, 不要因为它们而迷失学习目标, 学习目标必须摆在首位。

 There are 168 hours in a week. It's hard to spend more than half of that time eating and sleeping, so there are still almost 100 hours for other things. Except for the hours in classes, the student decides how to spend most of that time. The quality of these decisions is the key to the college experience. Students with bad habits or irresponsible friends often let those habits or friends make the decisions for them.  一周有168个小时, 不可能把一半以上的时间花在吃饭和睡觉上,因此还有100个小时可以做其它事儿。除了听课的时间以外,课余的大部分时间如何安排由学生自己决定,做什么决定是大学生活成功与否的关键。 有不良习惯或交友不慎的学生,其决定常会受到这些不良习惯或朋友的影响。

 This doesn't mean that college is no fun. In fact it's lots of fun if you learn to balance work and pleasure, or even to mix them together. There's plenty of time for both. But not if you stay in bed until noon, miss your breakfast, and miss your morning classes. Then you'll spend the rest of the day trying to catch up, borrowing classmates' notes, and eating unhealthy snack food. Your mother would be very angry!  这并不是说大学生活没有什么乐趣。事实上,如果你学会平衡学习与娱乐、或把学习与娱乐相结合,你会体会到许多乐趣,既有许多时间学习又有许多时间娱乐。但如果你赖到中午才起床,错过了早餐,误了上午的课,情况就不同了。你得借来同学的笔记把这一天剩余的时间花在补课上,靠一些快餐随便填饱肚子,你的母亲一定会为此非常生气!

(521 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007