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Passage D
Cheating Is Not Worth the Bother

   I knew many students who took college prep classes all the way through high school and never read a book in an English class. They read Cliff Notes or Monarch Notes, or they copied work from other people who did. But they didn't cheat just in English classes. They had systems of cheating in every class. Cheating became a way of life. They were always conniving and scheming. I'm not that pure. I've tried cheating, but I soon rejected it. I didn't learn that way, and I lost my self-esteem. I also feared getting caught; and I discovered that most of the time cheating was hard, stressful work. So I never became a master observer of cheaters, because students almost always see more than teachers do. What I learned was that cheaters often put themselves under more stress than honest students.  我认识许多学生,他们从高中阶段就从未在英语课堂上认真读过书。他们或者在临考前翻翻应试“秘芨”,或是抄袭他人的作业。他们不仅在英语课上作弊,在其他课程上也如法炮制。作弊成为了他们的一种生活方式。他们总是在挖空心思想如何作弊。我并不是那么纯洁,也曾试过作弊,但很快就不干了。因为那样没法学到知识,还会因此失去自尊。我还害怕被抓住,我发现作弊决非易事,还要常常提心吊胆。因此我对作弊并不老道,但学生们看到的总比老师多。我知道作弊的学生比诚实的学生压力更大。

   Even the student who pays for schoolwork can become a victim of stress. I remember a student in my junior composition class who needed a research paper, so he found a source and bought one for seventy-five dollars. The first trouble was that he had to submit the work in stages: the topic, the working bibliography, the note cards, the outline, the rough draft, and the finished paper. Therefore, he went to the library and started working backwards. Of course, he couldn't turn in only the bib cards actually used in the paper, and next he had to make out note cards for the material he "would be" documenting, and even make out more. After having all kinds of trouble, he realized that the bought paper was of "A" quality, whereas he had been a "C "student. He went back to his source and was told he should change the sentence structure and so on to make the paper weaker. Finally he dropped the class after spending more time on his paper than I did on mine.  即便花钱请人代笔的学生也有压力。我记得大三时一个修写作课的学生要写研究论文,他找了个地方,花75美元买了篇论文。他的第一个麻烦是,必须分阶段把论文交上去:标题、参考书目、资料卡片、提纲、初稿、定稿。因此他跑去图书馆倒着做。当然,他上交的书目卡不能仅仅是论文中用到的那些,接下来他还得为”将要“论证的材料编写卡片,甚至其他更多的东西。在这一切麻烦之后,他又发现买来的文章属于优等,而他却不过是个差生。他回去找卖主,卖主告诉他得修改文章句子结构和其他东西以便让论文显得差劲点儿。他花在文章上的时间比我的多,最终他放弃了这门课程。

   Then during my senior year, a female student in a biology class became another subject for my study of cheating. She was sitting next to me, so I could see everything she did. She kept her cheat cards in her bra. This is the way she did it. On the day of the test, she would wear a loosely fitting blouse or dress. Then when the instructor wasn't watching, she would hunch her shoulders like a buzzard sleeping and slump so she could look down the front of her own dress. If the instructor stared at her when she was looking down, she would blow inside her dress as if she were trying to cool off her bosom or something. Then she would smile at the instructor and shake her head and pucker her lips to show how hot it was. Her strategy worked because she did perspire due to the stress. The tests weren't that difficult. She probably worked harder in rigging the cheat cards on her underwear than I did in memorizing information.  大四的时候,一位修生物学的女生成为我研究作弊的另一对象。她坐在我旁边,因此我能看清她做的一切。她把作弊的卡片放在胸罩里。她就是这样做的。考试那天她会穿宽松的衬衣或裙子。当监考老师不注意时,她就会像秃鹰睡觉时一样耸起肩,陷下身子以便能看到自己衣服的前面。如果她往下看被老师盯住时,她便往衣服里吹气,好像是要凉快一下胸脯还是怎么的。接着她向监考老师微微一笑,嘟起嘴巴,摇摇头,以表明天气是多么热。她的方法奏效了,因为紧张,她的确出汗了。那场考试并不那么难。很可能她在内衣上安卡片花的精力比我花在背诵上的还多。

   There were dozens of other examples ----the writing on seats, hands, arms, legs, and cuffs; the hand signs, blinks, and coughs; and the plagiarism of all kinds. There were even the classes where cheating would never be caught because some teachers didn't watch carefully during the tests, and others didn't read carefully later. But for the most part, the cheaters were the ones who had the most anxiety and often the ones who did the most work ---work that was never directed toward learning.  其他例子还有很多 -- 在座位上、手上、胳臂上、腿上及袖口上做小抄;打手势、眨眼睛、咳嗽;还有各种各样的作弊手法。还有一些课,作弊绝对不会被抓住,要么一些老师在考场上不仔细监考,要么是考后不仔细判卷。但总的来说,作弊者往往最为担惊受怕,也最辛苦 -- 但这份辛苦却不能换来知识。

(578 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007