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Course 1>Unit 3>PassageA>Exercise
Exercises > Content Awareness: Read and complete
 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Complete the following statements based on the information from the passage.

  1. At the Freshers’s Fair, a freshman can learn __________. 
    A) how to pursue an existing interest.
    B) how to develop some new interests
    C) how to check out the large array of clubs and societies
    D) how to throw yourself into the world of University Societies

  2. If a student takes an eclectic approach to clubs and socities, we can say that he __________. 
    A) joins several groups and takes part in interesting events
    B) hangs out with members of just one club or society
    C) completely ignores University Societies
    D) is sure to become a leader in at least one group

  3. The easier way to make new friends is __________. 
    A) to attend the Freshers’ Fair
    B) to join some clubs and societies
    C) to open up a new society
    D) to enjoy music and drama

  4. According to the passage, “to hack” means __________. 
    A) to enter a computer system and make changes without permission
    B) to seek advancement in every club or society a person joins
    C) to get involved in societies
    D) to display one’s ambition

  5. Some students try to hack in the clubs because __________.  
    A) they have the ambition of becoming the President of the club
    B) they want to get grants and loans and other benefits from the University Proctors
    C) they would have a great chance to meet people from outside college
    D) they would build their CVs which may help promote their future careers

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007