Course 1>Unit 3>PassageA>Exercise
Exercises > Talk About It
 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Work in pairs and discuss the following given topics.
You can record or write down what you want to say.

Step 1. The following are some possible clubs or societies on campus. Work in groups and name some clubs or societies on your campus.
  Chinese Literature Society
  Martial Arts Society
  Modern Dance Club
  Music Club
  Computer Club

Step 2.Talk about your own experience in a club or society on campus.
  I'm a member of …
  I joined … because…
  Why! You didn't know …?
  I think it's …
  Most of the activities are …

Step 3. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of joining a club or society. Then have a debate about it.
  I have no idea of it.
  It offers a great chance to …
  It helps develop …
  It provides / contributes to …

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