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Passage A
Clubs and Societies
  点击朗读 Parties, drinking, eating - oh, and working - all help pass the time, but deep down there's something you're really eager to find, but you can't quite put your finger on. What you have been looking for, my friend, is the chance to throw yourself into the world of University Societies, and discover the huge range of activities which thrive in a city like Oxford.  聚会、喝酒、吃饭--哦,还有工作--都让时光流逝,但你内心深处确有一些很想追寻的东西,却无法实现。你一直在寻找的,我的朋友,就是将你自己投身到大学社团中的机会,去发现各种各样的活动。这些团体在像牛津这样的城市里散发着勃勃生机。

  点击朗读 Whether you want to pursue an existing interest or develop new ones, your first move should be to check out the bewilderingly large array of clubs at the OUSU Freshers’ Fair. With your Freshers’ Fair ticket, you can get your hands on a brand-new edition of the comprehensive guide to all things at Oxford. If you miss the Fair, don't despair: you can see what societies are offered in the Oxford Directory , a handbook issued to you in Freshers’ Week. Take a while to browse through --- it's your one major chance to find out about what goes on in the University.  不论你是想保持已有的兴趣,还是培养新的爱好,你首先应该到牛津大学学生会的新生集会上去看看那些令人眼花缭乱的俱乐部。手持一张新生集会的入场券,你就可以得到一份崭新的关于牛津大学方方面面的综合指南。如果你错过了这场集会,别泄气,在新生周里发给你的牛津目录上,你将看到各种社团的介绍。你不妨稍作浏览--这可是你见识大学生活的重要机会。

   点击朗读 The degree to which people get involved in societies varies a great deal. Some totally immerse themselves in a club, hardly speaking to anyone who isn't a member of that group for the next three years and rising to become a leader of the organization. Others prefer to take a more eclectic approach, being members of several societies and taking part in whichever of their events seem interesting. Many people, perhaps foolishly, completely ignore University societies and just hang out with mates in college. 人们投身社团生活的程度各不相同。有的完全沉醉于一个俱乐部,在接下来的三年里几乎不跟非本俱乐部成员说话,直至成为该组织的领导者。其余的人更愿意选择灵活的方式,参加几个社团,参加凡是他们感兴趣的活动。 还有许多人,也许有点笨,完全无视大学社团的存在,只是与大学里的伙伴们在一起打发时间。

  点击朗读 Societies offer a great chance to meet people from outside college, which, especially for arts students, is something it is sometimes difficult to do. But don't forget that most colleges2 have their own flourishing societies, which you may be able to join in your college during Freshers’ Week. Music and drama are often popular and it is very easy to get some mates together and start something up. If you have ambitions to open up your new Shakespearian Rap Society3 to the whole University, you can register it with the University Proctors, who give out start-up grants and loans, among other benefits. 社团使人们有大量的机会结识校园以外的人,特别对于文科学生来说,这是难能可贵的。但是别忘了,许多学院有自己兴盛的社团,你也能在新生周里加入这些社团。音乐和戏剧总是很受欢迎,有兴趣的人聚在一起做点什么,也并非难事。如果你有心为学校新搞一个莎士比亚说唱社团,你可以向大学校监申请注册,还可获得启动资助、贷款及其他好处。

  点击朗读 One of the downsides, especially with larger societies, is the hacking which takes place. 'Hack' is the negative term applied to those seeking advancement (usually to President) in whatever Club or Society, and some clubs such as the Oxford Union or the Guild Society tend to attract those with the spark of ambition more than others. When students suddenly remember their blank CVs5 which are supposed to secure them a highly paid job once they graduate, hackery is almost inevitable. Do not be afraid, though: the vast majority of students tend to avoid such self-seeking behaviour and get on with life. 尤其是对大社团而言,其中的一个负面就是学生的钻营。"钻营"指的是有些学生在俱乐部或社团里追求职位的提高(通常是要做主席),有些社团,比如牛津大学学生俱乐部或同业协会总能吸引那些比别人更有野心的人。当学生们突然想到他们空白的履历,想到履历将与他们将来能否找到一份高收入的工作密切相关,想方设法往上爬就几乎是在所难免的了。尽管如此,也不用担心:绝大多数学生不赞成这种自我钻营的行为。他们能够从容的面对生活。

  点击朗读 With over 300 registered societies there really is something for everyone. Apart from the obvious political parties and sports clubs there are groups for all the main religions; societies interested in the society and culture of countries from China to Bulgaria, and UK regions from Scotland to Essex; charities for those interested in voluntary work, literature, music, drama and sci-fi; and a fair number of strange groups such as the LMH Pudding Society,the Oxford Stunt Factory and the Pooh Sticks Society. You won't get bored.  三百多个社团,对每个人来说,都应该能找到自己的位置。除了一些倾向明显的政治聚会和体育俱乐部外,所有的主要宗教都有自己的组织;有热衷于不同国家或地区的社会与文化的社团,从中国到保加利亚,以及从苏格兰到埃塞克斯的英国各地区;有热衷于义工、文学、音乐、戏剧和科幻小说的协会;还有五花八门的奇特组织,比如玛格丽特女子学院布丁协会,牛津特技协会,以及普胡牌友协会。你会喜欢它们的。

(553 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007