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Words and Expressions




strong desire, esp. over a long period, for success, power, wealth, etc.抱负;雄心;野心



separated by a distance分开,相距,相隔



[~ to sb. for sth.] to request sth., esp. officially and in writing [正式以书面]提出请求,申请
[~ to] to bring or put into use or operation使用,应用,运用



[~ of] a collection or ordered group排列整齐的一队人;一长列物品



to keep away from or out of the way, esp. on purpose回避,(故意)避开;
to prevent (sth.) from happening, or stop oneself from doing (sth.) 防止(发生某事),避免(做某事)



way of behaving举止,行为






without writing, print, or other marks无字迹的,空白的



[~ with] tired and uninterested厌烦的,不感兴趣的



new and completely unused崭新的,未用过的



[~ through] to look through or read parts of a book, magazine, etc. without any clear purpose, esp. for enjoyment随意翻阅,浏览(书刊等)



thorough; broad; including a lot or everything广泛的;全面的;综合的

culture   n. the customs, beliefs, art, music, and all the other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time文化

despair   vi & n. [~ of] to lose all hope or confidence(对…)绝望;丧失信心

directory   n. a book or list of names, facts, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order (通常按字母顺序排列的)人名地址录;工商人名录;号码簿

downside   n. disadvantage, expectation or likelihood of loss, or failure下降趋势

drama   n. a piece of writing to be performed by actors; play for the theatre, television, radio, etc. 剧本;戏剧(电视剧,广播剧)

eclectic   adj. (of people, methods, ideas, etc.) not following any one particular system or set of ideas, but using parts of many different ones(人)兼收并蓄的;(方法、思想)折衷的;从不同来源选辑的

edition   n. a number of copies of a book, newspaper, magazine, etc., that are produced and printed at one time(书、报、杂志等)一版的印刷数,版(次);版本

flourish   v. to be alive and well; to grow healthily茂盛,繁荣,兴旺
to be active and successful兴旺发达

fresher   n. (=freshman) a student in the first year at college or university大学一年级新生

grant   n. money given esp. by the government for a particular purpose, such as to a university or to a student during a period of study(尤指国家发给的)补助金;助学金

hack   v. to cut (up), esp. roughly, violently, or in uneven piece劈,砍
to seek office in a group without caring about the group's success钻营

hackery   n. the act of hacking 钻营

handbook   n. a short book giving all the most important information about a subject手册,便览

highly   adv. (often before adjectives made from verbs to a high degree; very常用在由动词派生的形容词之前)非常;高度地;极
very well非常好地

ignore   v. to take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to不顾;不理;忽视

immerse   v. [~ in] to put deep into a body of liquid使浸没(于液体中)
[~ oneself in] to cause (oneself) to enter deeply into an activity; absorb使深陷于,使沉浸于,使专心于

literature   n. written works which are of artistic value; such works as a subject for study文学作品;(作为研究之学科的)文学

loan   n. sth. which is lent, esp. money借出之物,借(贷)款

mate   n. a friend, or person one works or lives with伙伴,同事

negative   adj. refusing, doubting, or disapproving; saying or meaning "no"; containing one of the words "no", "not", "nothing", "never", etc.拒绝的,怀疑的;不同意的;否定的

obvious   adj. easy to see or understand; clear; which must be recognized明显的,显著的,显而易见的

proctor   n. (esp. at Oxford and Cambridge) a university officer whose duties include making students keep university rules (尤指牛津大学和剑桥大学的)校监,学监

region   n. a particular fairly large area or part, usu. without exact limits地区;区域

religion   n. belief in the life of the spirit and usually in one or more gods, esp. the belief that it/they made the world and can control it宗教信仰

sci-fi   n. (abbr. of science fiction) stories about imaginary future developments in science and their effect on life, often concerned with space travel科幻小说

secure   vt. to hold or close tightly握紧;关紧
to get, esp. as the result of effort 获得,把…搞到手

spark   n. a small bit of burning material thrown out by a fire or by the striking together of two hard objects火花,火星
[~ of] a very small but important bit, esp. of a quality; trace(尤指某种品质的)丝毫,略微,一点点

tend   vi. [~ to, towards] to have a tendency; be likely (to do or be) sth.; do or be often or usually有…的倾向;有…的习惯;倾向于,趋于

thrive   vi. to develop well and be healthy, strong or successful; flourish兴旺,欣欣向荣,茁壮成长

union   n. (often cap.)(esp. in names and titles)a club or society, esp. a Trade Union(常用大写)(尤用于名称)协会;联合会;(尤指)工会

vary   v. [~ in] to be different; have the qualities that are not the same as each other彼此相异,存在不同之处
[~ from] to (cause to) become different; to change, esp. continually(使)变化,改变

voluntary   adj. (of a person or action) acting or done willingly, without being forced自愿的,志愿的;自动的,自发的

Phrases and Expressions

apart from without considering; except for; as well as撇开…来说,除…外;此外

check out

to leave a hotel after paying the bill; to find out whether (sth.) is true by making inquiries(在旅馆)办理退房手续,结帐后离开(旅馆);查证,核实

give out

to give to each of several people; to distribute分发,发

hang out

to live or spend a lot of time in a particular place居住;闲荡,厮混

immerse oneself in

to be absorbed in沉浸于

put one's finger on

to find or show exactly (eg. the cause of trouble)准确地找出(指出)(麻烦的原因)

throw oneself into

to do or take part in eagerly and actively积极投身于…

Proper Names

Bulgaria 保加利亚(欧洲国家)
Essex 艾塞克斯(英国英格兰东南部的一个郡)
Oxford 牛津(英格兰的一个大学城)
Scotland 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在不列颠北部)
UK (United Kingdom的缩写)英国

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