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Passage C
Just Chillin' By VelocityGirl
Friday night rolls around and you finally have the weekend to let loose, blow off steam and get crazy with your buddies. Admittedly, you're a little hung over from the night before -- Thursday nights downtown always offer pitchers for a buck. So, tonight, your entertainment will be a bit low-key.  星期五晚上到了,终于有个周末可以轻松轻松,发泄一下剩余的精力,与你的朋友们好好疯一疯。不可否认,你前一天晚上喝得太多,到现在还没怎么恢复过来--星期四晚上到城里花上一块钱就能喝上不少啤酒。因此,今天晚上你的娱乐节目可能会有点儿低调了。

 When you think of a typical college student's social life, most people picture uncontrollable parties, and obnoxious drunk freshmen setting off fire alarms. Granted, every campus has their share of those, but in actuality, those students represent only a very vocal minority.   说起典型的大学生社交生活,大多数人可能会想起毫无节制的晚会,还有醉醺醺令人厌烦的新生拉响火灾警报。不错,每一个校园里都有这种事。但实际上,非常爱吵闹的学生不过是少数。

 Most college kids aren't out getting wasted at the bars. They're all too poor or too young or too lazy to get a fake ID. Why go somewhere and spend all your money when you can just grab a six-pack, head to your friend's dorm room and chill out there with all your friends.      大多数大学生都不会在酒吧里一醉方休。他们要么太穷,要么太年轻,要么太懒,不愿去弄一张假身份证。既然可以提上半打喝的到朋友的寝室里跟大伙乐一乐,干嘛跑到一个地方,花掉身上所有的钱呢?

 We asked our members just what is it they do on a typical Friday night. The response? Most are just taking it easy, hanging out with friends. Some go to parties, a few hit the bars and others are just chilling out online, working or (believe it or not) catching up on schoolwork.      问问朋友们他们礼拜五晚上一般干什么。他们的回答呢?大多数人只是轻松轻松,与朋友们出去逛逛。有一些会去参加聚会,有些人会去泡吧,少数人不过是出去上上网,甚至还有的在工作或是赶学校的作业(信不信由你)。

 Maybe we're all a bit more responsible than our parents give us credit for. Most of us, after all, are at least helping to put ourselves through school and have to juggle work with papers and studying. Who has time to party? Or maybe the answer is as easy as this: we are just more mellow - or boring - than the rest of our classmates. But I'll let you be the ones to decide. Think you can work it into your schedule?  也许我们有着比父母所期望的更强的责任心。说到底,我们大部分人还是努力兼职挣钱以完成学业,并想办法来应付论文和学习。谁有时间去聚会?或许答案很简单:与其余的同班同学相比,我们就是太成熟了--或者说太古板了。但如果让你来作决定,你觉得你安排得过来吗?

 What do I do? I have school and work and I cannot afford to go out and party. I am an art major so I spend a lot of time in the art department working on a variety of projects. The people who complain during the weekends about being bored are missing out on what the college experience is about: working but also having fun. Fortunately, I have fellow art majors who hang out and work on the weekends, so it's pretty fun.  我都干些什么?我得上学,得工作,没时间出去,没时间聚会。我是个文科生,得花很多时间在系里做各种各样的课程作业。抱怨周末无聊的人其实错过了真正的大学生活:工作的同时也不耽误寻找乐趣。幸运的是,我的一些文科生同学周末既出去玩也能工作,挺有意思的。

(365 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007