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Passage A
Related Information

Alexander Graham Bell

Born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell was the son and grandson of authorities in elocution and the correction of speech. Educated to pursue a career in the same specialty, his knowledge of the nature of sound led him not only to teach the deaf, but also to invent the telephone. In 1876, at the age of 29, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Bell might easily have been content with the success of his invention. His many laboratory notebooks demonstrate, however, that he was driven by a genuine and rare intellectual curiosity that kept him regularly searching, striving, and wanting always to learn and to create.



Telephone Booth

The early telephone booth was quite ornate and lavish, almost to a fault. The original patent specified a booth made of wood, four or five feet square, with a domed and ventilated roof and a strong door. When a prospective customer wanted to make a call, an attendant would usher him into one of these specially made rooms. The attendant would then lock the customer in after the connection was made, so he could not leave without paying for the call.


早期的电话亭格外考究和奢华,差点儿好事变坏事。首创电话亭的专利人将亭子设计为木头制成,4至5平米大小,带通风孔的拱顶,一扇坚固的门。当来了一位可能打电话的顾客时, 服务员便会引导他进入某一这些特制的亭子中,等电话挂通后便把顾客锁在里面。顾客若不付话费,休想出来。


How people may answer the telephone in English

After receiving a telephone call, some people may say "hello," some people may say "hi," some people may say their own first and/or last names, perhaps followed by "here" or "speaking," and some people may say their own names followed by "residence" or "office" to indicate which it is. All of these are considered OK. Secretaries are often trained to say either the name of the company or the boss's name followed by "office," and then perhaps their own name followed by "here" or "speaking." Businesses may train their employees to include friendly phrases like "may I help you" or "how may I help you?" in their phone greetings. Here are some examples:
"John here" / "John speaking"
"Johnson here" /"Johnson speaking"
"John Johnson here" / "John Johnson speaking"
"Johnson residence"
"Mr. Johnson's office"
"Johnson Computer Sales, Jane speaking"
"Johnson Computer Sales, (how) may I help you?"


接电话时,有人会说"hello (您好)",而有的人则说"hi(喂)",还有的人会自报姓名,加上"here"或"speaking"。也有人会自报姓名和"residence (住所)"或"office (办公室)",以示这是哪儿。任用其中哪一种方式都没问题。秘书们常训练有素,接电话时会先说公司名称或老板的名字加上"office",然后再报自己的姓名加上"here"或"speaking"。企业的员工要学会接电话时用诸如"may I help you""how may I help you?"等礼貌用语。举例如下:
"John here" / "John speaking"
"Johnson here" /"Johnson speaking"
"John Johnson here" / "John Johnson speaking"
"Johnson residence"
"Mr. Johnson's office"
"Johnson Computer Sales, Jane speaking"
"Johnson Computer Sales, (how) may I help you?"


©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007