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Passage B
Notes to the Text

1.harmony: of music combined together in a pleasant sounding way; a state of agreement ( in feelings, ideas, etc.);peacefulness 和协;和睦

    My cat and dog never fight,and they live together in perfect harmony.
    The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.
    There was not much harmony in international affairs during those years.
    There was perfect harmony between the two brothers.

2. … the City of Turin on its own initiative has launched the project Youth of 2006, …
    … the City of Turin by itself has created the project Youth of 2006.
    都灵市率先发起了"青年2006" 的活动。

      the first movement or act which starts something happening; the ability to make decisions and take action without the help of others 创始,率先

    He took the initiative in organizing a party after his brother’s wedding.
    A leader must have initiative to explore new ideas.
    Personal initiative and private enterprise have been stressed.
    He did not have the initiative to start his own business.

launch: to set a (newly-built) boat into the water; to cause ( an activity, plan, way of life, etc.) to begin. 开始,首创

    The Americans have launched quite a number of satellites into space.
    The enemy launched an attack against us at dawn.
    The government has launched a new plan to build more houses.
    The firm launched the new product with a big advertising campaign.

3 …with enthusiasm and dedication, make sure everything runs smoothly and that the athletes and the public feel at ease during their stay.
    …gladly and diligently make sure events occur in an orderly way and that the athletes and spectators feel comfortable while they're here.

    a strong feeling of interest or admiration 热情,热心

    The new teacher is full of enthusiasm.
    He showed great enthusiasm in pursuing the new learning.
    By that time her enthusiasm had cooled.
    Among his enthusiasm is a great fondness for Eastern music.

ease: the ability to do something without difficulty 轻易,不费力

    He jumped over the wall with ease.
    Only some of them lived in a state of ease.
    The ease and simplicity of her manners have always been her greatest charm.
    The hostess greeted her guests with ease.

4.organize: to arrange into a good working system; make necessary arrangements for (something) 组织

    The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole.
    The story was better organized than it had been.
    The professor organized his thoughts before delivering his lecture.

5. committee: a group of people chosen to do a particular job or for special duties 委员会

    He’s on a lot of committees.
    I want to request you to form a committee of advice for the Sunday School.
    Jim’s Daddy is on the factory strike committee
    They have appointed a committee of three to investigate the accident.

6.security: the state of being safe 安全

    He lost his feeling of security when he left home.
    You may cross the road in security when a policeman holds up his hand.
    My family’s health and security are of utmost importance to me.
    For security reasons the passengers have to be searched.

7.essential: necessary 本质的,必要的

    Discipline is essential in an army.
    The essential purpose of a vacation is to relax.
    Nothing can disguise his essential selfishness.

8. …can be useful for accompanying the athletes in their free time and collaborating in cultural initiatives:
    …can help as tour guides for the athletes and as cultural ambassadors for the city.

9. adventure: a journey, activity, experience, etc., that is strange, exciting, and often dangerous 冒险,奇遇

    I told them of my adventures in the mountains.
    Have you read about the adventures of Marco Polo?
    The trip to Florida was an adventure for Helen.
    The explorer told the boys about his adventures in the Arctic.

10. obviously: it can be easily seen (that); plainly 显而易见;明显地

    Obviously you didn’t read it.
    He’s obviously a man of very high intelligence.
    Obviously you would be in a difficult position right now.

11. But participating in and experiencing one of the most exciting events in the world firsthand is a big deal.
    But being directly involved in such a major event is quite special.


©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007