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Passage B
Job Volunteers

开始朗读 The Volunteers Program of the City of Turin was presented about three years before the 2006 Winter Olympics. 2006年都灵冬奥会志愿者的招聘方案提前3年公布。

  开始朗读 In 2006, the City of Turin, Italy, hosted the Winter Olympics. Volunteers were recruited for many important tasks. In harmony with the Olympic spirit,in 2003, the city of Turin on its own initiative launched launched the project Youth of 2006, for those who in 2006 would be between 18 and 25 years old. The purpose was to involve right from the beginning the young people of the city and, through some training, have them participate as "ambassadors" of Turin: ambassadors of culture, but also of peace and brotherhood. As volunteers of this greatest sporting event, they can also be regarded as belonging to these ambassadors.  2006年,意大利的都灵市将举行冬奥会。组委会将招募志愿者来完成许多重要任务。为弘扬奥运精神,都灵市率先发起了“青年2006”的活动,对象是到2006年满18到25岁的青少年。其目的是从现在起就让都灵市的年轻人行动起来,并通过适当培训让他们成为都灵的“大使”:即文化大使,也作为和平和友谊的大使。作为这项大型运动盛会的志愿者,他们也会被视为这些大使中的一员。

  开始朗读 An army for all ages
 One of the elements that contribute to the success of the Olympic Games was the army of volunteers that, with enthusiasm and dedication, make sure everything ran smoothly and that the athletes and the public felt at ease during their stay. No matter how well organized the staff of the Organizing Committee was, it could not manage an event this size without the help of volunteers. Perfectly incarnating the Olympic-spirit, the volunteers offered their services in many different activities: from welcoming people at the airports and railway stations to providing security at the competition venues, from cooperating with the catering service to giving a hand in administrative tasks, from ticket sales to driving the official automobiles. Each talent was valued and, precisely for this reason, there were no age limits: in some editions there were more retirees and housewives than young people.  奥运成功,其中一个重要因素就是志愿军团,他们用自己的热忱和奉献精神,确保每个环节正常运转,确保运动健儿们和观众在此期间过得轻松愉快。无论组委会的工作人员安排如何周密,没有志愿人员的帮助,这大型的体育盛事就无法进行。志愿人员充分体现奥运精神,他们在许多活动中提供服务,例如到机场和火车站迎接客人,在比赛场地提供保安服务,协助餐饮服务并参与行政管理,销售门票和驾驶迎送车辆,多种多样,不一而足。各种才能都能派上用途。正是这个原因,志愿人员没有年龄限制,在有些方面,退休人员和家庭主妇比年轻人还多。

  开始朗读 Knowledge of foreign language was essential
 There were essentially three basic requisites for becoming a volunteer of the Olympics: to be at least 18 years old, speak English (but knowing other foreign languages as well is always an advantage) and have the spirit to serve. You did not need to live in the region that was holding the Games. Surely, those who were born and raised nearby and know Turin and its mountains, could be most helpful in accompanying the athletes in their free time and collaborating in cultural initiatives. 要成为奥运会的志愿者,有3条基本要求:至少18岁,能说英语(还懂其他外语则更具优势),有服务精神。你不必是居住在比赛当地的居民。当然,那些自小在都灵出生和长大的人,由于熟悉都灵及其周边的山峦,因此能更好地陪同运动员们度过比赛之余的闲暇时光和参与组织文化活动。

  开始朗读 However, even those from other regions or countries can join the group of volunteers. The Olympics were a transnational event and everyone should have the opportunity to participate in this adventure. Obviously, except for room and board and the appropriate 'work clothes', the volunteers were not paid. But participating in and experiencing one of the most exciting events in the world firsthand was a big deal.  不过,那些来自异国他乡的人也能加入志愿军团。奥运会是跨国盛会,人人都应该有机会参与这一活动。大家都知道,除了食宿和“工作服”之外,志愿者是没有报酬的,但是亲自参与并直接体验这一世界上最激动人心的体育盛事却是件了不起的事儿。

(445 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007