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Words and Expressions

administrative   adj. of or concerning the control and direction of affairs, as of a country of business 行政的;管理的
adventure   n. a journey, activity, experience, etc., that is strange, exciting, and often dangerous 冒险;奇遇
ambassador   n. a person of high rank representing his/her country in the capital city of another country either for a special occasion or for a longer period in an embassy 大使
automobile   n. car  汽车
cater   v. to provide and serve food and drinks, usu. for payment, at a public or private party rather than a restaurant(指在餐馆以外的地方)提供饮食服务
collaborate   v. to work together or with someone else, esp. for a special purpose协作;合作
committee   n. a group of people chosen to do a particular job or for special duties委员会
  cooperate   v. to work or act together for a shared purpose 合作,协作
cultural   adj. of or related to the particular system of  art, thought, and customs of a society文化的
dedication   n. the state of being interested in or working very hard for an idea, purpose, etc. 忘我精神;献身
ease   n. the ability to do something without difficulty  轻易;不费力
enthusiasm   n. a strong feeling of interest or admiration热心;热情;积极性
essential   adj. necessary 基本的;必要的
essentially   adv. in reality; basically基本上;本质上
harmony   n. notes of music combined together in a pleasant sounding way(音乐)和声  a state of agreement ( in feelings, ideas, etc.), peacefulness和睦;融洽;和平相处
housewife   n. a woman who works at home for her family, cleaning, cooking, etc., esp. one who does not work outside the home 家庭妇女  ;家庭主妇
incarnate   v. to put (an idea, spirit, etc.) into bodily form 体现
initiative   n. the first movement or act which starts something happening主动;创始;率先 the ability to make decisions and take action without the help of others 首创精神;创造性
  v. to cause (an activity, plan, way of life, etc.) to begin 开展;首创;使开始
launch   v. to set a (newly-built) boat into the water 使 (新造的)船下水 to cause ( an activity, plan, way of life, etc.) to begin 开展;首创;使开始
obviously   adv. can be easily seen (that); plainly 显而易见;明显地
organize   v to arrange into a good working system; make necessary arrangements组织
  railway   n. (a system, including engines, stations, etc. of) track for trains 铁路
recruit   v. to gain a person as a new member of an army, a club or society, etc 吸收(某人)为新成员;征募
requisite   n. (something) needed for a purpose 必需品
retiree   n. a person who has retired 退休人员
security   n. the state of being safe 安全;安心
talent   n. a special natural ability or skill 特殊的能力;才能;天资
venue   n. the place where sth. is arranged to happen  举办地点、会场

Phrases and Expressions

at ease the state of being comfortable and without worry or anxiety 舒适;安逸
be regarded as to be viewed as   把…看作
contribute to to help in bringing about; have a share in 有助于;促进
in harmony with in agreement with; matching 按照;与……和谐一致;相配
on one's own initiative according to one’s own plan and without help 按自己的倡议

Proper Name

Turin 都灵(意大利西北部一城市)


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