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Course 1>Unit 8>PassageA>Exercise
Exercises > Language focus: Read and simulate
 Read and simulate > exercise8

8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

 Choice Sentences  Simulated Reproduction  Translation
  1. Even if you have almost forgotten your freshman year roommates two years later,... you can never replace that year and the brand-new feeling that your first year of college brings.   Even if we have almost forgotten the games played in our childhood, we can never replace the friends that we made in those happy days.    即使他已几乎忘记了那位姑娘的容貌,但是那位姑娘给他留下的美好记忆是永远都无法替代的。
  2. Keren took her hometown boyfriend Kevin on a tour of campus and downtown.   He took his American friends on a tour of the Great Wall.    为了庆祝结婚 25 周年,他带妻子游览了巴黎。
  3.And I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than Alisa, Karen and Gabriella.   I have never had nor will ever have a more precious gift than the one my parents gave me on my birthday.    我从未有过,将来也不会有比这更好的出国深造的机会。
  4.The story Alisa told on that balcony is far from over.   The girl he has fallen in love with is far from his parents' expectation.    他还远远不够资格做他申请的那份工作。
  5. And occasionally they would make it back to reunions at that mythical valley.   After my trip downtown I'll make it back to the university as soon as I can.    每五年我们高中同学就会回学校聚会一次。

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