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Words and Expressions

apartment   n a set of rooms in a building, esp. on one floor, including a kitchen and bathroom公寓
  acquaintance   n. a person whom one knows, esp. through work or business, but who is not a close friend相识的人
  architect   n. a person who plans new buildings, and is responsible for making sure that they are built properly建筑师,设计师
  attorney   n. AmE a lawyer (美)律师
  background   n. the scenery or space behind the main objects or people in a view, a picture, or a photograph 背景,后景 ; a person’s family, social status, experience, and education       家庭等背景
  balcony   n. 阳台
  barely   adv. almost not; only just; hardly 几乎没有,仅仅,勉强地
  definition   n. an exact statement of the meaning, nature, or limits of something, esp. of a word or phrase 定义,界定
  encounter   v. to meet or have to deal with (something bad, esp. a danger or a difficulty); be faced with 遇到;遭遇(尤指危险或困难等);  to meet unexpectedly 偶然碰到,邂逅
frisbee   n. a plate-like piece of plastic that people throw to each other as a game 飞盘(圆形塑料投掷玩具)
  gymnasium   n. a hall with wall bars, ropes, and other equipment for climbing, jumping, and other forms of exercise 健身房,体育馆
  incline   v. to influence or encourage (someone) or to tend to have a particular feeling, belief, etc.影响(鼓励)某人有特殊的感情、信仰等),(使)倾向(有意)于
  intimate   adj. having an extremely close relationship亲密的,密切的
irreplaceable   adj. too special, unusual, or valuable for anything else to take its place不能替代的;独一无二的
  lawn   n. a stretch of usu. flat ground, esp. next to a house, covered with closely cut grass 草地,草坪
  motion   v. to signal with a movement, usu. with the hand打手势,以动作示意
mythical   adj. of or in a myth神话的;   not real; imagined or invented虚构的,非真实的;想象的
  occasionally   adv. happening from time to time; not regularly 偶尔,偶然地
  physician   n. a doctor, esp. one who treats diseases with medicines (as opposed to a surgeon, who performs operations) 内科医生
  principal   adj. highest in importance or position; chief; main重要的,主要的,首要的
  recall   v. to bring back to the mind回想,回忆起
  recognize   v. to know or identify again (someone or sth. one has seen, heard, or experienced before) 认出
  replace   v . to take the place of 取代,代替
  reunion   n. a meeting of friends or fellow-workers after a separation聚会,联谊活动;  the state of being brought together again团聚
  summarize   v. to make a short general statement of the main points of (something longer or more detailed) 总结,概括,概述
sibling   n. a brother or sister兄弟或姐妹
  technician   n. a highly skilled scientific or industrial worker技师,技术人员
  upset   v. to cause to fall over, turn over, or overflow, usu. accidentally, causing damage, loss, etc. 打翻,弄翻,使倾覆; to cause to worry, be sad, be angry, not be calm, etc; distress使不安,使心烦意乱;使生气;使心情不好

Phrases and Expressions  

a shoulder to cry on someone from whom you get sympathy 可以倾诉苦处的人
compare…to to examine or judge (one thing) in relation to another thing in order to show the points of similarity or difference比较,对照; showing that two things are alike比作
drift apart to gradually become less intimate(感情)变淡
ever after from now on从此以后
even if no matter if 即使,纵然
far from  very much not; a long way from being; not much or at all远远不,一点也不
join hands (with) to hold (each other’s) hands 携手,握手
make it back to to move in the direction of an earlier time回到以前
no matter how it makes no difference; however 无论,不管
on a tour of on a journey for pleasure, during which several places of interest are visited(观光)旅行,旅游
succeed in manage to do or gain something 成功,到达
try on to put on (a garment, hat, shoes, etc.) to test the fit, examine the appearance, etc.试穿,试戴(衣服,鞋子,帽子等)


Proper Names  

Alisa 艾莉莎(女子名)
Atherton Hall 阿瑟顿大厦 (宾夕法尼亚大学的学生宿舍名)
Gabrielle 加布里埃尔莉(女子名)
Happy Valley 快乐谷 (宾夕法尼亚大学的学生对校园的昵称)
Karen 卡伦(女子名)
Kevin 凯文(男子名)

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