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Passage C
What a Ride

 My girlfriend Emily and I had been dating for several years. We had both recently graduated from college and had begun our careers out in the "real world". A few weeks into our new jobs we were both feeling a little overwhelmed by reality and I suggested that we do something out of the ordinary to lighten us up a bit. However, I had a secret motive that night…  我与女朋友艾米莉相恋几年了。最近我们一起大学毕业,真正开始在现实世界里打拼。干了几个礼拜,现实生活压得我们都有点喘不过气来了。于是我提出得好好放松放松。但不知怎么的,那天晚上我心里忽然有种冲动……

 We got into my car with no particular destination in mind and headed toward the outskirts of town. Emily wasn't sure where we were headed, because I kept my plan secret from her. The county fair was in full swing , and as we passed the fairgrounds, Emily turned to me and said, "I want to go ride the rides!", just like a little girl. That's one of the things I love about her so much, and just exactly what I had hoped would happen. 我们坐进车里,漫无目标地朝城郊驶去。艾米莉不知道我们要去哪,虽然我早有打算,却没告诉她。县城的集市热闹非凡,当我们经过广场时,艾米莉转过身来对我说:"我想去玩转轮!"那神情就像一个小女孩。这正是我如此爱她的原因之一,而且她的要求正中我的下怀。

 We paid our admission at the gate and Emily immediately grabbed my hand and dragged me off to the Tilt-a-Whirl. She loves the "wild" rides and laughed and shrieked like a kid as we spun around and around. As we staggered off, I told her that it was my turn to choose.  付过门票,艾米莉马上抓起我的手,将我拽到翻滚摇椅上。她喜欢这种疯狂的转轮,我们坐在上面一圈接一圈的颠簸翻转,她孩子般边笑边叫。当我们俩摇摇晃晃地下来时,我对她说现在该轮到我带你玩了

 I'm a bit more on the tame side when it comes to carnival rides, so I suggested the ferris wheel. I have always loved the smooth, gliding circle that gives you a view of the whole carnival and the city beyond. 要说狂欢节上的转轮,我不太喜欢惊心动魄的那种,所以我选了摩天轮。我一直喜欢那种平稳光滑的旋转运动,能让你看到整个狂欢节的盛况,还有远处的城市。

 As Emily stepped in front of me to sit in the ferris wheel seat, I quickly turned to the operator, pointed straight up in the air and  flashed him the diamond ring I was planning to present to Emily at the top of the ride. He got my drift and gave me a nod.  艾米莉走在我前面,当她正往摩天轮的椅子上坐的时候,我飞快地转过头去,对操作员指了指天上,然后把钻戒朝她晃了晃。我打算在摩天轮升到顶的时候,把戒指送给艾米莉。操作员明白了我的意思,朝我点点头。

 The ride slowed every few seconds as the operator let more passengers on, while Emily and I sat close together with contented smiles on our faces. Then we really got going. We went around and around quite a few times, until I was beginning to think the operator hadn't understood after all. Finally we gradually began to slow down until Emily and I surveyed the world from the top of the ferris wheel.  摩天轮隔不了几秒钟就慢下来,因为操作员想要多上点乘客。艾米莉和我依偎着坐在一起,脸上挂着满足的微笑。接着,摩天轮真的动了起来。我们转了好几圈,我不由得怀疑操作员也许根本没懂我的意思。最后,我们终于渐渐慢了下来,让我和艾米莉在摩天轮的最高处极目远眺。

 "Oh, honey, isn't this so romantic?" Emily exclaimed.
 I looked at this beautiful woman with her childlike enthusiasm and felt my heart melt. I took her face in my hands and said,  "Emily, do you have any idea how much I love you?"
 She smiled up at me but knew there was no response needed.
 I reached into my pocket and took her left hand in mine. "Emily, my love, will you be my wife?" I asked as I slid a diamond engagement ring on her finger."
 As she leaned forward to hug me and say "yes", the lights on the ferris wheel began to flicker on and off wildly, and the carnival workers gathered below let out a big cheer. "哦,亲爱的,这真浪漫,对不对?"艾米莉惊喜不已。 美丽动人的她,热情奔放,真像个孩子。我感觉自己的心在融化。我双手捧起她的脸,说:"艾米莉,你知道我有多么爱你吗?" 她仰起头,冲我笑着,知道这不用回答。    我把手放进口袋里,然后拿起她的左手:"艾米莉,亲爱的,你愿意做我的妻子吗?"说着我就把那枚钻石订婚戒指套在她的手指上。     她靠到我怀里,将我抱住,对我说:"我愿意。"这时候,摩天轮上的彩灯闪烁不停,聚集在下面的狂欢节工作人员欢声一片。

 Twelve years later Emily and I (and the kids too!) still love to ride the ferris wheel and make it a point to share a ride whenever the carnival comes to town. 十二年以后,艾米莉和我(当然还有我们的孩子们!)仍然喜欢坐摩天轮,只要狂欢节的队伍来到城里,我们就一定要去坐一坐。

(521 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007