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Passage D
Friendships Do End

Friendships may not last. Friendships can lose importance and die gradually. Some friendships end abruptly with unresolved conflict. The worst enemy of friendships is change by one or both friends. There is usually pain with the loss of friendship. In fact, friendships end with pain and change.  友谊也许难以持续。它会慢慢淡化,然后渐渐消失。由于无法解决的冲突,某些友谊会嘎然而止。友谊的最大的敌人是朋友中间一方或双方的改变。失去友情往往叫人伤心,其实,友谊总是伴随着痛苦和改变而终结。

 carole King's song, "You've Got A Friend" promises "Winter, spring, summer, or fall--all you've got to do is call--and I'll be there." Many people expect that their friends will always be there. They expect friendship to last forever.   正如卡罗尔·金在"拥有一个朋友"这首歌中唱道,"不管春夏秋冬,只要你一声呼唤,我就会在你的身边。"许多人都希望朋友们总是在自己的身边,他们期待友谊地久天长。

 Yet, friendships end and friends part company every day. Unfortunately, even the best maintained friendships can end.
 Many end because of a change in personality or lifestyle when friends just drift apart and fade away with time. There is a retreat from self-disclosure and seeking out each other's company. Avoidance begins. The friendship slowly loses importance and finally disappears.  但实际上,每一天都会有友谊的结束,每一天都会有朋友之间的分别。不幸的是,就算是维系得最好的友谊也有可能划上句号。     其原因大多是朋友各奔东西,时间久了印象淡去,个性和生活方式都发生了改变。他们之间不再敞开心扉,也不寻求对方在身旁。于是,彼此之间开始互相回避。友谊慢慢地失去了重要性,并最终消失。

 Sue said, "The end of our friendship was a gradual thing. I moved from one side of the city to the other. We had over an hour's drive to see each other. For a year or so, we met regularly. Then our friendship began to
taper off."

 John wrote, "I didn't even know the friendship was over until I caught myself thinking of Alan as a former friend. In the past tense rather than the present."
 Pat explained, "We started seeing each other less and less. The friendship was just over."  苏说到,"我们之间的友谊是慢慢结束的。我从这座城市的一端搬到了另一端,见一次面要开车一个多小时。我们这样维持了一年左右,然后我们的友谊就逐渐淡漠了。"     约翰写道,"直到我发觉我想起爱伦就像想起以前的老朋友的时候,我才知道我们之间的友谊已经结束了。因为我想到的都是以前的而不是现在的事情。"     帕特是这样解释的,"我们见面的次数越来越少。友谊也就不复存在了。"

 Other friendships break up suddenly from a disagreement or a move to another town.
 Paul said, "When I moved to Seattle after college, our friendship abruptly died. We were both struggling with new jobs and didn't keep in touch. Now that friendship is so dead, I don't even call him when I go home."
 Bob Carver, Dallas
psychotherapist, says, "A friendship or any other relationship fails because of three things:
 " Unexpressed expectations,
 " Undelivered communication,
 " And/or
thwarted attention."    还有的是因为相互意见不一致或是一方迁移到另一个城市,友谊也随之终止。 保罗说,"大学毕业后我去了西雅图,于是我们的友谊就突然中断了。我们都在为新的工作而打拼,互相没有保持联络。现在我们的友谊已经完全结束了,就算是回家探望,我也没有想起要给他打个电话。"     达拉斯的一位心理医生鲍伯·卡韦尔说到,一段友谊或者说任何其他关系的失败,其原因无外乎以下三点: ·期望没有表达出来, ·沟通没有完成, ·加之/或者注意被分散。

 Yet the biggest threat to a friendship is change.
 For example, moving from single life to coupled life has a great effect on friendship. Coupled persons often feel their single friends act interested in them only when a romantic prospect is not in sight. The single friend may feel
awkward and withdraw from a world of twosomes. Divorced and widowed people often have a feeling of being abandoned by old friends.   但是对友谊最大的威胁还是彼此的变化。     朋友之间的友情会产生极大的影响。结了婚的人常常觉得,只有在看不到浪漫前景时他们的单身朋友才会对他们表现出兴趣。单身的朋友会觉得尴尬,然后从对方的二人世界中退出来。离婚和寡居的人们经常会有一种被他们的老朋友抛弃的感觉。

 Lillian Rubin in her book Just Friends says, "Thus
generally it's true that friends accept each other so long as they both remain essentially the same as they were when they met, or change in similar directions. If they change or grow in different or incompatible ways, the friendship most likely will be lost."   丽莲·鲁宾在她的《仅仅是朋友》一书中写道,"通常来说,只要朋友之间在本质上依然如故,和当初相识时一样,或者有变化也是朝着同一个方向,友谊就会维系。如果他们是朝着不同的、互不相容的方向发展和变化,那他们彼此的友谊极有可能就会失去。"

Regardless of why, when, or how friendships end, there is always some pain of loss to
assimilate. When nothing can be done to mend the friendship, it is important to grieve and feel the pain fully. Then move on to enhance another friendship or build entirely new friendships.    不管友谊是出于什么原因、在什么时候、以什么方式结束的,总会有某种失去友谊的痛苦,需要时间来冲淡。当无法弥补朋友之间的裂痕时,我们只能深深地体会这份痛苦,然后又开始培养另一段友谊,或结交一批新朋友。

(492 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007