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Passage A
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Types of Examination Questions in the US and the UK:

  The two main types of examination questions are multiple choice and essay, but other types are blank-filling and matching, and different teachers use different types, e.g., a typical exam might consist of 50 multiple choice questions for one point each and two essay questions for 25 points each.


College Study

  In American colleges and universities, students have many choices about the subjects they study, their class schedule, and the teachers of their classes. In this way, students can create a schedule that is most suitable for them. They can also fulfill the requirements of their degree. Therefore, students carry most of the responsibility for managing their academic life, although academic advisors are available to help them.


Essay-type questions

  These are also called discussion questions, because the student is expected to discuss a topic and provide facts, reasons, examples, etc. to support the answer, with the grade depending mainly on how well the answer is supported not just on the student's opinion.


©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007