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Words and Expressions

  approach   v. to come near or nearer (to) in space, time, quality, or quantity 走近,靠近,接近
assurance   n.     a firm statement that sth. is certainly true or will certainly happen; promise; confident belief in one’s own ability and powers 担保,保证;  自信,把握
  broaden   v. to make or become broader 加宽;(使)变宽;使扩大
commencement   n. the act of commencing; beginning; a ceremony at which university or college students are given their degrees or diplomas 开始,开端;学位授予典礼;(大学及高中的)毕业典礼
  confidence   n. a calm unworried feeling or manner based on a strong belief in one’s abilities; self-assurance 信心;把握;自信
  confident   adj. feeling or showing confidence 确信的;自信的;有信心的
  conquer   v. to take (land) by force; win (land) by war; to gain control over (sth. unfriendly or difficult) 攻取; 占领;克服(困难等);制伏;驾驭
  engineering   n. the application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, etc.工程 ; 工程学
  essay   n. a usu. short piece of writing on a particular subject, esp. as part of a course of study 文章;散文
  graduate   n.     v. a person who holds a degree (esp. the first or bachelor's) from a university or polytechnic 大学毕业生,(尤指)学士学位获得者 to complete an educational course  毕业
huddle   v. to (cause to) crowd together, in a group or in a pile  (使)挤作一团,(使)聚成一堆
  impress   v. to influence deeply, esp. with a feeling of admiration; to make the importance of (something) clear to (someone) 使感动; 使钦佩;使获得深刻印象;铭刻;使铭记
jubilantly   adv. filled with or expressing great joy, at a success (尤指因成功而)欢腾地,欢呼地
obscure   v. to make difficult to see or understand; to hide 使朦胧;使难理解;遮蔽;隐藏
  restless   adj. unwilling or unable to stay still, esp. because of anxiety or lack of interest; giving no rest 焦虑的;不耐烦的;不得休息的;不安静的
  senior   n. a student of the last year in a high school or university course ( 美国中学或大学)最高年级的学生,毕业班的学生
  shift   v. to change in position or direction; to move from one place to another 改变 ( 位置或方向 ) ;变换,转移,移动
  snap   n. sth. that is very easy to do 轻而易举的事
  survey   v. to look at, examine, or consider (a person, place, or condition) as a whole 纵览;审视;全面的观察


Phrases and Expressions  

file into to march or walk in the specified direction in a single line 鱼贯而入,排成纵队前进
impress upon to make sb. keenly aware of sth.; to fix sth. in sb. 誷 mind 铭刻;使铭记
no longer not any more; not at present time 不再
pass (sth.) out to give out; to distribute 分发
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