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Words and Expressions

  addition   n. the act of adding or combining sth. to or with sth. else 增加
  appropriate   adj. correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose适当的;   合适的;正当的
  assign   v.  to give sb. a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing 指定(某人做一工作或任某职务);委派,选派 ;to decide that something should be done at or during a particular time 指定,确定(时间, 地点)
  authority    n. the power one has because of one’s official position or because people respect one’s knowledge and experience  权利,权威; the authorities are the people or organizations that are in charge of a particular country or area  领导,当局,官方
carve    v.

to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces using a big knife 把(熟肉)切成片; to cut shapes out of solid wood or stone 雕刻

  conclusion    n. ( the end, a judgement or decision  结束;结尾
  creative   adj.

producing or using new and effective ideas, results etc. 创造的;有创造性的
someone who is creative is very imaginative and good at making things, painting etc. 有创造力的

decisive   adj. showing determination and firmness, resolute                               果断的 坚定的, 有决断力的
homesick   adj. feeling a great wish to be at home when one is away from it 想家的
  notebook   n. a book made of plain paper on which you can write notes  笔记本
  outcome    n.

the final result of a meeting, discussion, war etc, especially when no one knows what it will be until it actually happens 结果;效果

Phrases and Expressions

at the same time (as) in the same moment; together; however, but; nevertheless    同时;一起;但是;然而
deal with to attend to (a problem, task, etc); to manage   处理(问题、任务)
fail to to be unsuccessful in (sth.)   未能(做某事)
first of all most importantly   首先
get along with to have a harmonious or friendly relationship with sb.; to get on with   和睦相处
in addition (to) as an extra person, thing or circumstance   加之;除…之外
in conclusion lastly   最后
keep up with to rise at the same rate (as sth.); to inform oneself or learn about (the current events)  赶上;追上
make use of to use or benefit from sth. or sb.   使用;利用
now that since, because, now   由于…;既然…

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