Course 1 > Unit 1 > Passage A > Exercise
Exercises > Talk About It
 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Work in pairs and discuss the following given topics.
You can record or write down what you want to say.

  1. Before an examination, students may feel differently.
    A. - How do you feel before an examination?
    B. - I usually feel …if I'm interested in it. But I feel… if I…
    A. - How about the coming exam? Are you …?
    B. - Yeah, I'm ... How about you?
  Other key words:
    a) confident, assured, being certain, at ease
    b) nervous, uneasy, excited, restless, anxious
    c) indifferent, scared, upset

  2. Students' reaction to the examination may vary during the examination.
    A. - Did you find the exam easy or difficult?
    B. -Difficult. I was at a loss at the sight of … I had to …during the exam. How about you?
    A. - Fortunately, I happened to …It was easier than I had expected.
  Other key words:
    a) think hard, rack one's brains, at a loss
    b) easy, a piece of cake, smiling, calm, expected
    c) difficult, frightened, dead silence, sweating, trembling, unexpected

  3. After the examination, the students' attitudes towards the examination may vary.
    A. - How about your final English examination?
    B. - I was worried that I might ….
    A. - Cheer up. I am sure you will do it better next time.
  Other key words:
    a) content, pleased , satisfied , pass, relief of anxiety
    b) disappointed, depressed, fail, hopeless, regret, sad , sorry, unhappy , worried
    c) calm down, cheer up, take it easy, do it better next time, the world won't end

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