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Course 1 > Unit 1 > Passage B > Exercise
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 Read and think> Exercise 12

12. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Do’t refer back to it until you have finished.

   In less than two weeks, I will from the university. As a senior, I have been at the idea of graduating. Looking back, I can’t believe how fast time went. For me, college has been a great experience, especially my year, which was perhaps the most remarkable year of my college life. I there is so much more that I want to learn, but instead I have to graduate. down the familiar routes on campus, I find myself wanting to start all over again and relive the fun and excitement of my college days. I don’t know what I want to do in the future, and the idea of a lifetime to a certain job seems like . Now that graduation seems inevitable (不可避免的), I’m faced to make a decision. Anyway I will my college days forever as I close the doors on my college life.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007