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Passage B
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Levels of Education in the United States and Canada

  Education in the United States and Canada is divided into the following levels at the indicated ages:

Primary Education
Pre-school ages 2 - 6 Elementary School ages 6 - 12
Secondary Education
Junior High School ages 12 - 14 High School ages 14 - 18
Post Secondary Education
     Junior College ages 18 - 20
     4 Year College ages 18 - 22
     Graduate School ages (MA) 22 - 24
     Graduate School ages (PH.D.) 22 - 26/8
     Post Graduate after PH.D.

            学前班   年龄2――6
            小学    年龄6――12

            初级中学  年龄12――14
            高级中学  年龄14――18

            中专    年龄18――20
            4年制大学 年龄18――22
            研究生院  年龄(硕士)22――24
            研究生院  年龄(博士)22――26/8

Grading Systems in the U. S.

  Most colleges use letter grades like A, B, C, D, F, and some use plus or minus like B- or C+. To compute students' averages they say A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. It takes an average of 2.0 to graduate. Grades of F must be repeated to get credit. Most students take 5 or occasionally 6 courses per semester, and most courses are 3 credits. It usually takes between 120 and 130 credits to graduate. A few colleges use numerical grades instead of letters. If so, most likely A=90, B=80, C=70, D=60, but this may be up to the professor.

  大部分学校用字母A, B, C, D, F来表示分数,有的还用B- 或C+。为了计算学生的平均分,一般用A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0。平均分达到2才能毕业。成绩只得F的课程要重修才能得到学分。大部分学生一学期学习5到6门课程,大部分课程为3学分。一般要得到120~130个学分才能毕业。也有的学校用数字而不是字母来表示等级。如果是用数字的话,一般是A=90, B=80, C=70, D=60。当然,这得取决于教师。


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