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Words and Expressions

  amuse   v. to make sb. laugh or smile 使某人发笑,逗某人笑
  cartoon   n. a humorous drawing, often dealing in a clever and amusing way with sth. of interest in the news, usu. with a caption 漫画,幽默画;卡通片,动画片
cherish   v. to treasure or care for tenderly 珍惜;珍爱
  commitment   n. a responsibility or promise to follow certain beliefs or a certain course of action 责任
contemplate    v. to think (about) deeply and thoughtfully 深思
denial   n. the act or an example of saying that sth. is not true 否认
  enormous   adj. very large indeed 巨大的
  envy   n. a feeling you have towards someone that you wish you could have the same thing or quality they have 羡慕,嫉妒
  excitement   n. state of strong emotion or feeling, esp. one caused by sth. pleasant 激动,兴奋
  failure   n. lack of success 失败
  freshman   n. student in the first year at a U.S. high school, college or university ( 美国高中或大学的 ) 一年级学生
  interview   n. a meeting where a person is asked questions to decide whether he / she can take up a job 面试,口试
  involve   v. to cause (someone) to become connected or concerned 涉及,牵涉
lousy   adj. very bad, unpleasant, useless 令人讨厌的;非常糟糕的
  lung    n.
  panic    v. to cause to be in a state of sudden, uncontrolled, quickly-spreading terror or anxiety 惊恐,惊慌
  possibility   n. likelihood; sth. that may happen 可能性;可能(发生)的事
queasy   adj. eeling sick; unwilling to do sth.; uneasy 令人作呕的;不愿做某事的;不安的
  reality   n. the quality or state of being actual or real; not imaginary 现实
recapture   v. to get into one 誷 power again; to bring back into the mind; to experience again or reproduce (past emotions, etc.) 重新获得;再现,使再次经历、体验或产生(往日的情感等 )
  reluctantly   adv. unwillingly 勉强地,不情愿地
  remarkable   adj. worth mentioning  出众的,不寻常的
reminisce   v. to talk or think about past experiences, especially pleasant ones 回忆

  route   n. chosen direction or line of travel from one place to another 道路,路线
  schedule   n. planned list or order of things to be done日程表
sophomore   n. student in the second year of a course in a U.S. university, college or high school (美国大学或高中)二年级学生
  status   n. a person’s social, legal or professional position or rank in relation to others地位,身份,职位
  surround   v. to be all around on every side; encircle 包围
  torture   n. (instance of) great physical or mental suffering  对肉体或精神的折磨
  triumph   n. great victory or success  胜利,成功
turmoil   n. a state of confusion, excitement and trouble 混乱,骚动

Phrases and Expressions  

at the idea of at the thought of 一想……起就
change one's mind to alter one's decision or opinion 改变主意
come to (used with an infinitive) to learn to; to grow to 熟知;了解;学会;开始
feel like (informal) to want to do or have 意欲
look back (on) to review the past; to think of what has happened 回顾
turn back to (cause to) return 转回来;往回走
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