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 Read and think> Exercise 11

11. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage.

  1. What does the author mainly tell us in the passage? 
    A) A well-balanced life is not easy to have in today's world.
    B) She has experienced great stress in her study and work.
    C) Satisfying work is crucial to having a well-balanced life.
    D) Leisure time plays a vital role in maintaining a well-balanced life.

  2. What does the author mean by saying "Finally I found a way out in my leisure time"? 
    A) She found leisure time could help relieve her stress and maintain a well-balanced life.
    B) She found a way to enjoy herself in her leisure time.
    C) She got to know how to spend her leisure time.
    D) She came to understand what "a well-balanced life" means.

  3. When does the author listen to slow music? 
    A) When she is happy.
    B) When she is lonely.
    C) When she is sad.
    D) When she is trying to work.

  4. How important are good friends to the author?  
    A) They usually help her lift the physical burden with their strong backbone.
    B) They support her in everything she does and help her in every situation she is in.
    C) They often pull her aside and invite her to go for a walk.
    D) They will do everything that she wants them to do.

  5. What main suggestion does the author give us in the passage on how to relieve stress?  
    A) Talking to friends.
    B) Listening to music.
    C) Reading poetry.
    D) Pursuing some leisure activities.

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