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Words and Expressions

adjust v. to change slightly, esp. in order to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose or situation  调整,调节;使适合
backbone   n. the row of bones in the centre of a person’s or animal’s back; spine  (人和动物的) 脊骨,脊柱; [~ of ] the part of a group, organization, etc. that provides the main support (团体、组织等的)骨干;支柱,主力,中坚
depress   v. to cause to feel sad and without hope; discourage  使沮丧,使消沉
depression   n. a feeling of sadness and hopelessness  忧伤,消沉,沮丧
unfulfilled   adj. unsatisfied; not achieved  未感到满足的;未达到目的的
function   v. (esp. of a thing) to be in action; work; operate(尤指事物)活动,运行,发挥作用
handle   v. to pick up, touch, or feel with the hands触,摸,碰,拿 to deal with; control对付;控制
insane   adj. seriously ill in mind; mad精神错乱的;疯狂的
leisure   n. time when one is free from work or duties of any kind; free time  空闲,闲暇
maintain   v. to continue to have, do, etc., as before; keep up维持,保持
poetry   n. poems诗,诗歌
relate   v. [~ to] to tell (a story) 讲述(一件事) to show or establish a connection between  有关联;把…联系起来
relax   v. to make or become less active and worried  放松,(使)放松
relieve   v. to lessen (eg. pain, anxiety, or trouble)减轻(痛苦、焦虑或困惑)
social   adj. of human society, its organization, or quality of life  社会的,有关社会的 of or spent in time or activities with friends  社交的,交际的
stress   n. (a state of worry resulting from) pressure caused by the problems of living, too much work, etc.  压力,重压,紧张
tiresome   adj. causing annoyance or impatience  令人厌烦的,烦人的
universal   adj. concerning or shared by all members of a group  全体的,与全体有关的 of or for everyone or everything; widespread; general  普遍的;一般的
vital   adj. [~ to, for]very necessary; of the greatest importance非常必需的;极其重要的
well-balanced   adj. having or showing a firm sensible mind心情平稳的,情绪稳定的,镇静的
well-rounded   adj. (of a person) having a full, peasantly curved shape; shapely (人的体形)丰满的,匀称的 (esp. of a person's experience) full of different types of activities; complete and varied (尤指人的经验) 多方面的,全面的

Phrases and Expressions

add to to increase; contribute to (also add up to)  增加有助于
along with together with  跟…一块
fall behind to become gradually further behind  落后(于)
figure out come to understand or discover by thinking  理解,想出
get by to have enough money for one's needs or way of life 过活,度日
go through to suffer or experience; endure  遭受,经历,忍受
lead to to result in  导致
other than except, apart from  除了
relate to to concern; be about or be directed towards  有关,涉及 to have a connection with与…有关

Proper Names

Robert Frost 罗伯特·弗洛斯特(1874~1963),美国诗人
Walt Whitman 沃特·惠特曼(1819~1892),美国诗人


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