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Passage B
A Well-Balanced Life

  点击朗读 A well-balanced life is necessary to live in today's world. Without a well-balanced life a person can neither function properly nor develop into a well-rounded individual. Without some sort of balance in life people tend to be unfulfilled and unhappy.  在今天的现实生活中,保持心态平衡十分必要。生活中心态失衡,既无法很好地工作,心身也不能得到全面的发展。生活中有时心态失衡,人们就会觉得不满足,不愉快。

  点击朗读 I've experienced great stress in my study and work. And I've tried every means to adjust myself and relieve my stress. Finally I found a way out in my leisure time. Leisure time is very important and necessary for me. Without it I am sure I would go insane. I spend most of my extra time reading, listening to music, talking to my real life friends, or talking on the Internet with people I meet. I really enjoy going out into a quiet place and reading poetry or books by Walt Whitman and Robert Frost. If I did not make time for all of this I would not be able to handle everything else in life. Along with reading to relax, listening to music is very important to me. If I feel sad, I listen to slow songs, while if I am happy I like listening to fast songs. Music is the universal language and it can express different feelings. It can relate to the soul, or in fact I think it is the soul of feelings. 在学习和工作中我曾经历过巨大的压力,也试着用各种办法调整自己来减轻压力。最终我发现,好好利用业余时间是个办法。业余时间对我来说是不可或缺的。否则,我肯定会要发疯的。我的大部分业余时间都用于读书,听音乐,跟生活中的朋友交谈,或者跟网上遇到的人聊天。我真的很喜欢在外面找一个安静的地方读沃尔特·惠特曼和罗伯特·弗洛斯特的诗歌或著作。如果我没有时间做这些,那我也干不好别的事情。读书放松的同时,听音乐对我来说也是很重要的。如果我情绪低落,我就听慢悠悠的歌,如果我心情高兴,我就听快节奏的歌。音乐是人类共同的语言,能表达不同的情感。音乐能触及灵魂,确切地说,我认为音乐表达的实际上就是心灵的感受。

  点击朗读 My real life friends and my Internet friends are also part of my leisure and social time. Friends have always been important to me. They are the backbone in everything I do. The good friends that I have are always there for me in every situation I am in. Without them I would not have led a healthy, balanced life. Not so long ago I went through a short time of depression. I fell behind in all my work and stopped talking to my friends. After a week of acting this way, one of my good friends pulled me aside and invited me to go for a walk with her. We talked about what was going on in my life and she helped me to figure out what I wanted to do. I do not know what would have happened if she had not been there. 生活中的朋友和网上的朋友都是我业余时间和社交生活的一部分。朋友对我来说总是重要的。不论我做什么,他们都是我的支柱。不论我处于什么情况,我的好朋友们总是支持着我。没有他们,我不可能过着健康的心态平衡的生活。不久之前,我经历了一小段时间的失意。手头所有的工作都没有进展,也不再跟朋友们谈心。就这样过了一个礼拜,我的一个好朋友将我拉到一边,邀我跟她出去散步。我们谈到我的情况,她帮我一起分析我到底想干什么。真不知道如果她不在我身边,我会怎么样。

  点击朗读 Many things add to having a well-balanced life. Stress can be a very dangerous and tiresome experience. It can lead to depression and unhappiness. But when it happens, you can do something other than wait, like talking to your friends or listening to music. Then you may not think you should have been so stressed and depressed. 许多事情都有助于你调节心态。压力是一种十分危险而又累人的经历,往往是消沉和不幸的开始。但如果真有了压力,你应该做点什么而不光是等待,比如跟朋友说说,或是听听音乐。这样你也许就会觉得自己不该这么沮丧,这么心事重重。

  点击朗读 A well-balanced life is important to maintain. Without some sort of balance it is hard to get by in everyday life. And the creative use of leisure time plays a vital role. 在生活中,保持心态平衡是很重要的。要是心态失衡,每一天的生活都将是难熬的。大胆创新地利用业余时间将起到决定性的作用。

(456 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007