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Passage A
Marcela's Work Experience
  开始朗读 I decided early in my college years that I wanted to experience living abroad before entering in the "real world." During my senior year, while most of my friends were interviewing for "real world" jobs, I was investigating how I could go work in a different country. At that early stage of my inquiry I was pretty open about where to go and what kind of work to undertake. My desire to live abroad was so strong that I was willing to do anything anywhere. 进大学不久我就下定决心,在进入"现实世界"前先到国外呆一段。四年级的时候,我的大多数同学都在忙着为"现实世界"的工作面试,我却在研究怎么才能去另外一个国家工作。刚开始打听的时候,我对去哪儿,干什么都很随便。我就是很想出国,让我干什么都行。

   开始朗读 Soon I learned about BUNAC, a program that seemed to be designed precisely for students with such interests. BUNAC offers work visas for students or recent graduates to work overseas. Of the six countries available, I chose England because of the language and opportunities for employment. 不久我就听说了一个叫"北美学生英国大学俱乐部"的计划,像是专为想出国工作的学生制定的。它给在读或是刚毕业的学生提供工作签证,让他们能到海外工作。因为语言相通和找工作容易的关系,在六个可供选择的国家中我选择了英国。

  开始朗读 Two months after I graduated from college I crossed the Atlantic. I traveled throughout Europe for six weeks before arriving in London. I got to London on August 24, 1997 with a work visa, but no job or place to live. I have to admit it was pretty scary! The day after I arrived, I experienced my first British holiday-Bank Holiday, a national holiday where everything is closed for the day. It wasn't until my third day that I visited the BUNAC office and went through orientation. At the orientation I learned all about living and working in Britain; I learned about getting around in the city, making a CV (Curriculum Vitae-British resume), paying taxes, getting health insurance, traveling around Britain, finding accommodations and most importantly, finding a job. I was most scared about finding a job since my financial resources were running low and I needed to get a paycheck soon.毕业两个月后我横渡大西洋,到伦敦之前花六个礼拜把整个欧洲跑了一遍。1997年8月24日,我带着一张工作签证来到伦敦,但却没有工作,也没地方可住。我得承认那确实挺让人害怕的!到的第二天,我度过了我的第一个英国假日--银行休假日。这是个全国性的假日,到处关门歇业。直到第三天,我才去了"北美学生英国大学俱乐部"的办事处,熟悉了一下情况。在此过程中,我了解到一切有关在英国生活工作的细节。我知道了该怎么逛街,怎么写英国式的履历,交税,买健康保险,旅游,找住的地方,最重要的是,怎么找份工作。我最关心怎么找工作,因为我所带的钱已所剩无几,得尽快弄一份薪水。

  开始朗读 It turns out that finding a job was just as easy as making a CV! The BUNAC program is very well known in London and many employers participate in the program. As a result there are many employers in many different fields to choose from. My job search began when I chose three different business employers and faxed them my cover letter1 and CV. That first week I had three interviews. I accepted my first offer working for Merrill Lynch International Bank. The Merrill Lynch office I worked at was in a beautiful, old building located two blocks from Buckingham Palace. The people were nice and the work interesting. 事实证明找工作就像写履历一样简单!"北美学生英国大学俱乐部"计划在伦敦很有知名度,许多雇主都加入了这项计划。因此很多领域都有许多工作机会可供选择。我找工作的时候,我选择了三个不同的雇主,将自己的简历和附函传真给了他们。第一个星期我进行了三场面试,接受了我的第一个工作机会,为美林银行工作。我在美林的办公室是在一幢漂亮古老的楼房里,离白金汉宫只有两个街区。那儿的人都很友好,工作也很有意思。

  开始朗读 It was easy to adjust to life in London. And there is so much to see that after six months exploring I probably covered only half of what I intended. 适应伦敦的生活并非难事。不光如此,这儿值得一看的东西太多了。我在这儿呆了六个月,可能只走了一半我打算要去的地方。

  开始朗读 Working in London has many advantages. For one, I truly get to learn the culture by being immersed in its workforce. Most of my coworkers were British so I feel like I really got to know and learn the British culture through such a huge aspect of a British person's daily life. Secondly, it is an economical way to live and travel in another country since most jobs pay enough to cover rent, living expenses and some travel expenses. And thirdly, I have the chance to gain valuable work experience and internationalize my resume. 在伦敦工作有许多好处。其中一个就是能融入到上班族中,真正领略一番英国的文化。我的大多数同事都是英国人,因此,通过大量接触英国人的日常生活,我确实觉得自己了解学习了英国的文化。其次,像这样在另一个国家生活、旅游也是很经济的,因为大部分工作都足以让你支付房租,生活费和旅游费。第三,你有机会得到宝贵的工作经历,让你的履历看起来也更加国际化。

  开始朗读 Working in London has been the best decision I have made so far. I would not hesitate for a second to recommend it to anyone! 迄今为止,到伦敦工作是我做过的最好的决定。我毫不犹豫地把它推荐给大家!

(546 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007