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Passage A
Related Information

BUNAC (British Universities North American Club)

This is a program from the USA. BUNAC currently offers US students and young people work/travel programs to Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Each participating country offers a unique insight into life in a completely new culture and a chance to spend extended time working and traveling overseas. US students can work anywhere in Britain for up to six month at any time during the year and explore the whole of the UK while they are there.
Working adventures WORLDWIDE
Work-travel programs for students and young people

  这是源于美国的一个项目。目前,"北美学生英国大学俱乐部" 给美国学生和年青人提供去英国,澳大利亚 ,新西兰等国家工作和旅游的机会。每个参与国均有独特的生活方式和全新的文化背景,并给来访的美国学生和年青人延期工作和外出旅游的机会。在英国的美国学生一年中任何时候都可以工作达6个月,并能全面了解这一国家。

Bank Holiday
 A holiday of national importance such as Christmas or New Year's Day when banks and some other businesses are closed (altogether there are 8-10 of these per year in the UK)


Merrill Lynch International Bank

 A very large international company which specializes in a variety of financial services such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, credit cards, and checking accounts. It has offices in 38 countries.



©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007