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Words and Expressions

  abroad adv. to or in another country or countries 到国外,在国外
  accommodation n. a place to live or work, house, flat, hotel room etc. 住处,住所
  advantage n. sth. that may help one to be successful or to gain a  favorable result有利条件,优势   a favorable condition resulting from a particular course of action,   gain, 好处,长处,优点
  aspect n a particular side of a many-sided situation, idea, plan, etc. (事态,想法,计划等的某个)方面
  economical adj. using money, time, goods, etc. carefully and without any waste   经济的,节俭的,精打细算的
  employment n. the state of being employed   雇用,就业 paid work 职业,工作
  expense n. cost, esp. of money but also time or effort (时间、精力、金钱等的)消耗,消费,花费
  fax v. to send (copies of printed material, letters, pictures, etc.) using a system by which the information is sent in electronic form along a  telephone line   传真传输(印刷品,信件,图片等)
  hesitate v. to pause before taking an action or making a decision 踌躇,迟疑,犹豫(不决)
  inquiry v. ( an act of ) asking for information 询问,打听
  insurance n. agreement by contract to pay money to someone if something esp. a  misfortune such as illness, death, or an accident happens to them      保险
  intend v. to have in one’s mind as a plan or purpose; mean (to do)计划, 打算,想要
internationalize v. to make (sth.) international or bring under international control 使国际化
  investigate v. to try to find out more information about, examine the reason for (sth.), the character of (someone), etc. 调查,研究
  opportunity n. a favorable moment or occasion (for doing sth.)  机会, 时机
orientation n. a position or direction 方向,方位; an introduction, as a tour, that helps one to adjust to new     surroundings, introductory instruction concerning a new situation熟悉适应的过程, 适应(新环境的)培训
  participate v. to take part or have a share in an activity or event  参加,参与
paycheck n. a check for the amount of wages a person earns工资
  precisely adv. exactly 精确地,准确地,正好
  recommend v. to praise as being good for a purpose;  to provide information about (someone or sth. good) 推荐,介绍
  rent n. money paid regularly for the use of a room, building, television     set, piece of land, etc. (租用房屋,电视机,土地等的)租金
  resource n. any of the possessions or qualities of a person, an organization, or esp. a country 物力,财力,资源
  resume n. summary 简历,摘要
  scare v. to cause sudden fear to, frighten 恐吓,使惊恐
  tax n. money which must be paid to the government according to                       income, property, goods bought, etc.税,税款
  truly adv. exactly, in accordance with the truth 确实地,准确地, really 真正地
  undertake v. (undertook, undertaken) to take up or accept (a duty or piece of work, esp. one that is difficult or needs effort) .承担,接受
visa n. 签证
workforce n. the people who work in a factory or in industry generally,        considered as a group 劳动力, 全体从业人员

Phrases and Expressions

as a result

consequently   结果
run low to have not much left (of sth.)减少, 所剩无几
so far up to now  迄今为止
turn out to happen to be 结果(是)

Proper Names

Merrill Lynch 美林(证券)
the Atlantic the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
Buckingham Palace the official residence of the British monarchs and some of their family白金汉宫

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007