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Passage A
Be a Volunteer——Experience of a Volunteer at the Sydney Olympics
  开始朗读 The Sydney Olympics offered me an opportunity to learn more about staging a major multi-sport event and this knowledge, I felt, would stand me in good stead as I developed the media services that would be needed for our Salt Lake City
Winter Games in 2002. 悉尼奥运会使我有机会对承办大型体育盛会有了进一步的了解,我觉得这一知识对我十分有益,因为我所提供的媒体服务也将是我们承办的2002年盐湖城冬奥会所需要的。

  开始朗读 I also decided that working as a volunteer would give me a greater understanding of a whole range of issues which is why I joined the ranks of those working in the front line. 同时,我认为,志愿者的工作能加深我对各种事务的全面理解,这就是我为什么参加第一线工作的原因。

  开始朗读 But little did I suspect just how much the experience would offer me such powerful feelings and a strong sense of pride - emotions which influence the many memories that I took away with me when I left Sydney. 但是我却毫不怀疑,这种经历是如此的让我刻骨铭心,如此的令我自豪。当我离开悉尼时,我所带走的许多记忆都深深地打上了这种情感的烙印。

  开始朗读 As a woman volunteer, I am not usually keen on uniforms, but from the moment I put on my Sydney volunteer's uniform I felt I was part of something important, something big that could well be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I immediately bonded with others in the same uniform and as we passed each other in the street dressed in our colorful outfits, we smiled and said "G'day" to each other and those greetings continued throughout the two weeks of the Olympics. 作为女性自愿者,通常我对穿制服并不感兴趣,但是自从我穿上悉尼奥运会志愿者服以后,我就感到自己是一项非常重要,非常宏大赛事中的一员,这种经历我一生中难得再有第二次。我很快就融入到了穿同样制服的人员行列中,我们穿着色彩靓丽的外衣走在大街上迎面相遇时,我们微笑点头,互致问后。这一声声祝愿在两周的奥运期间时时都在耳边萦绕。

  开始朗读 My job was as a supervisor in the Main Press Center where I managed 800 journalists' desks, the telephones, the banks of televisions and other volunteers, many of whom were media students. Our shifts were eight hours long and often overnight as the Center was open 24 hours, but we generally stayed longer out of choice as the work was important and exciting. Without us the journalists would not get their articles back to their home news desks and the stories of the emotional highs and lows of the competitors would never reach the outside world. 我是新闻中心总部的主管,要经管800名记者的办公桌、电话、电视机以及别的志愿者,他们中有许多是学大众传媒的学生。中心是一天24小时连续运转,我们每班要干8个钟头,而且常常是通宵达旦,因工作既重要又令人振奋,我们一般不得不延长工作时间。没有我们的工作,记者们就不可能把他们的文章发回到国内的新闻部的办公桌上,有关体育健儿成功亦或失败的消息将不会为世人所知。

  开始朗读 As volunteers, we all felt our work was a valuable contribution to the success of the Olympics and we reveled in the compliments we received. We worked hard and we had fun. We made new contacts and friends from all over the world and we learned new skills which we will never lose. 作为志愿者,我们都感到我们的工作对奥运会的成功作出了贡献,因而我们都为我们获得的称赞而欣喜不已。我们努力工作同时也有乐趣;我们结交了世界各地的朋友,学到了终生受益的新技能。

  开始朗读 When the Olympics finished, all the volunteers - 47,000 of us - were invited to take part in a parade through the streets of Sydney. Many of us did this, and thousands and thousands of people came out to cheer our efforts. Being part of that experience brought tears to many eyes. 奥运会结束时,所有的志愿者,总计47 000人,应邀参加悉尼城区的大游行。我们中的许多人都参加了游行,千千万万的人倾城而出,夹道相庆。亲历其中,许多人激动得热泪盈眶。

  开始朗读 The Olympics was marvelous, and the work I went to do is relevant and valuable to the job I do now. But the experience of being involved in such a massive event and the recognition we were given for our efforts is what I will remember forever. 奥运会很成功,我志愿从事的工作与我现在所做的工作既有关又有益。这次大型赛事的亲身经历以及公众对我们辛勤工作的肯定我将永世难忘。

(446 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007