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Words and Expressions

  bond   n. v. an agreement, feeling, likeness, etc., that unites two or more people or groups 共同点;结合点 to (cause to) stick together 粘合,结合
  competitor   n. a person, team, firm, etc., competing with another or others; rival. 竞争者;对手
  compliment   n an expression of praise, admiration, or respect恭维话;敬意;称赞
  emotion   n. any of the strong feelings of the human spirit 感情;激情;情绪:
  journalism   n. the profession of producing, esp. writing for, newspapers or magazines 新闻业
  journalist   n. a person whose profession is journalism 新闻工作者;新闻记者
  keen   adj. (of the mind, the feelings, the five senses, etc.) good, strong, quick at understanding, deeply felt, etc 聪明的;敏锐的;强烈的 having a strong, active interest; eager 热心的;渴望的
  marvelous   adj. wonderful; surprisingly good 惊人的;了不起的;极好的
  massive   adj. very big; strong and powerful 巨大的;强有力的;结实的
Olympic   adj. 奥运会的
  Olympic Games   n. also Olympics, an international sport event held once every four years in different countries 奥林匹克运动会;奥运会
outfit   n. all the things, esp. clothes, needed for a particular purpose(为某一特定目的所需的)全套用品;全套服装
  parade   n. a gathering together for the purpose of being officially looked at, or for a march or ceremony 游行;检阅
  powerful   adj having great power; very strong; full of force 强有力的;强大的
  rank   n. degree of value, ability, importance, etc., in a group 等级;级别  a line of people, esp. soldiers or things 排;列(人,尤指士兵或物)
  recognition   n. the act of recognizing承认;认出
revel   v. to pass the time in dancing, feasting, etc. 行乐;狂欢
stead   n. location; condition 位置;场所; 条件
supervise   v. to keep watch over ( work and workers ) 监督
supervisor   n. a person in charge 主管;监工
  suspect   v. to believe to exist or be true; think likely 猜疑;怀疑
  volunteer   v. to offer one’s services or help without payment; offer to do something, esp. when others are unwilling 自愿去做;自告奋勇去做
n. a person who volunteers 志愿者,自愿者

Phrases and Expression

a once-in-a-lifetime experience an experience which is unique or very rare in one’s life 一生中难得的经历
a range of a set of; a series of;a variety of 一套;一系列;
be keen on to be very interested in 对 …… 喜欢;对 …… 感兴趣
be relevant to to be related to; to have relationship with 与……有关的
highs and lows 高低起伏;荣盛枯衰
revel in to enjoy greatly 狂欢;喜爱:
stand sb. in good stead to put sb. in good condition 使某人处于有利地位
take part in participate in; become a member of  参加
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