Course 1>Unit 4>PassageA>Exercise
Exercises > Talk About It
 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Work in pairs and discuss the following given topics. Use the tips as you like.
You can record or write down what you want to say.

1. Part-time jobs students can do on and off campus
  A. What part-time jobs do you think students can do on campus?
  B. Well, we can …
  What about off-campus jobs?
  If we want to work off campus, we can…. What do you think?
  Other key words:
  to work as a waiter/ waitress/ tutor/ babysitter/ tourist guide/ salesperson, etc.
  to help in the library/ the laundry/the student canteen /the net bar, etc.

2. Benefits students can get from doing part-time jobs
  A. What benefits can we get from doing part-time jobs?
  B. Doing part-time jobs can help us to … Do you agree with me?
  A. Yes, I quite agree. I think, besides…, we can also…
  B. You are right.
  Other key words:
  to gain some work experience
  to know more about the real world
  to earn some money
  to make some friends
  to gain confidence

3. Share your part-time job experience with your partner
  A. Have you ever worked part-time?
  B. Yes. I once worked as a … on weekends. How about you?
  I have been working at the… I really enjoy this experience.
  Other key words:
  I once worked…
  I have been working…
  I'd like to try to work as…
  I really enjoy…
  I have never liked to…, but…

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