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Course 1 >Unit 6 > Passage A > Exercises
Exercises > Content Awareness: Read and complete
 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Complete the following statements based on the information from the passage.

  1. The author worked as ___ in the Main Press Center of the Sydney Olympics.  
    A) a manager
    B) a journalist
    C) an editor
    D) a supervisor

  2. According to the author, her pride in being a volunteer in the Olympics increased all the more when ___. 
    A) wearing the colorful volunteer uniform and greeting each other in the streets
    B) learning more about staging a major multi-sport event
    C) understanding better a whole range of issues related to the Games
    D) joining the ranks of those working in the front line

  3. According to the passage, the shifts for the volunteers in the Main Press Center were often ___ hours long.  
    A) eight.
    B) more than eight
    C) less than eight
    D) nearly twenty-four

  4. The author felt that the work of the volunteers was ___.  
    A) unimportant to the success of the Olympics
    B) unnecessary to the success of the Olympics
    C) irrelevant to the success of the Olympics
    D) invaluable to the success of the Olympics

  5. What the author will remember forever about the Olympic volunteer job is _______.  
    A) the colorful outfits they were wearing in the big event
    B) the advice and service they gave to the athletes
    C) the recognition they were given for their efforts
    D) working overtime.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007