Course 1>Unit 6>PassageA>Exercise
Exercises > Talk About It
 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Work in pairs or groups and discuss on the following topics.
You can record or write down what you want to say.

Task 1:
  Group discussion
  For this task, you are required to discuss the following two topics:
  1. Why are volunteers important to the success of the Olympics?
  2. What are the qualities of being a good volunteer for the Olympics?
    warm-hearted/ informative/ patient/ considerate/ well-mannered /gentle /helpful
    bilingual/ multi-lingual/ good language and communication skills/ familiar with Olympic activities and locations

Task 2: Role play
  For this task, you are required to make up short conversations based on the situation below.
  A is a volunteer in the Olympic Park. B is a foreign friend. B is asking A the way to the Aquatic Center and A is showing him /her the way. The map may be used as a guide for you.
    Excuse me.
    May I help you?
    Could you tell me…?

    Go straight on
    Turn left/right
    On the other side of

    aquatic center/athletes village/stadium/gymnasium/equestrian center/tennis courts

    McDonald's/catering service/food stand/information center/first aid station/snack bar/lost and found/parking lot /souvenir stand

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