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Exercises > Language focus: Read and simulate
 Read and simulate > exercise8

8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

 Choice Sentences  Simulated Reproduction  Translation
  1. I also decided that working as a volunteer would give me a greater understanding of a whole range of issues.   They decided that joining the social activities would give them a better understanding of the world outside the campus.    他认定读英语原版小说能使自己更多地了解英语的习惯表达。
  2.But little did I suspect just how much the experience would offer me such powerful feelings and a sense of pride.   But little did he suspect just how much the encouragement of the coach would offer him the confidence to win the game.    然而他们毫不怀疑政府的帮助将给予他们重建家园的巨大力量。
  3.My job was as a supervisor in the Main Press center, where I managed 800 journalists? desks.   His job is as an assistant manager in the Travel Agency, where he handles the day-to-day business.    她担任教授的助理工作,维护实验室的仪器设备。
  4.As volunteers, we all felt our work was a valuable contribution to the success of Olympics.   As students of science, we all feel his invention is a great contribution to the development of high-tech.    作为他的老同学,我们感到他的捐助对学校的发展是一个有益的贡献。
  5. The experience of being involved in such a massive event and the recognition we were given for our efforts is what I will remember forever.   The experience of being involved in such an exciting experiment and the recognition they were given for their endeavors is what they will remember forever.    亲历这一具有历史意义的伟大改革以及对我们贡献的认可,我们都将永远铭记在心。

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